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Everything posted by Boojet

  1. Terriers should be hand stripped or use a stripping comb, a blunt hacksaw blade is good too, Shaving will do the dogs coat no favours mate, next time buy yourself a can or 2 and sit outside and have a go your self. just my opinion all the best,
  2. No sam, sally is fine, she's not for sale. black pup my sons mate call you soon. all the best.
  3. Well here he is, no fault of his. Broke to ferrets, never seen any thing but should make good dog, bred from workers, 13 to shoulder.
  4. you would be better off putting that money towards some secure housing,not having a dig at you, just what i'd do and many others too. just my opinion. All the best. ( meant money on microchip)
  5. Get yourself some o s maps of chosen areas see where the woods are then get looking you'll soon find them.
  6. Got a book called fighting dogs, their care and training by same author. Is that worth much i wonder all the best
  7. Thanks whin, keep me updated mate, all the best.
  8. I have a jill which is very similar. I know if she is arsed up with a rabbit. It is very unusual that she won`t turn it but if she can`t she gets bored, then she`ll show then go back, show then go back. Personally, i wouldn`t have her any other way. At some point she`ll show and i`ll pick her up, give up on the rabbit and move on. I don`t enjoy digging so she suits me fine. basil. thing is mate sometimes you may be leaving more than 1 rabbit backed up a stop and dont look good to leave rabbits if they can be dug, plus i like digging. Just need to a few from good staying hob and gill, all
  9. Just testing the water so to speak, distance not too much of an issue i travel a lot all over can always sort something out for the right stock. all the best.
  10. Cheers whin let me know if any are available when she has them, Note the lack of replies ! yet so many with ferrets. Still there's ferrets and there's ferrets all the best
  11. Hi all i have a couple of jills and a hob here all workers, however they are all bolt or kill merchants, if the rabbit is arse up they will only stay for a short time. Whether they come off to try and find another way to reach the rabbits head or just give up, i cant be sure. but they wont stay, Was just wondering if anyone is breeding stock that tends to throw stickers, that i could buy, then i'll be sorted all ways. all the best. just let me know,
  12. This lad never shuts up more of a scream at times than his normal yap
  13. Hi mate if wolvey/leicester is within reasonable distance, a fortnight tomorrow we are mopping up the rats on the shoot, we're expecting some great results. Whilst ferreting there this season we've bolted dozens of rats along with the rabbits. We will be letting a pup see its first rats too, so yours wont make any difference, there will be about 8 terriers out which have all worked together and with others at various times, so should be no problems.pm me if interested 2 people allowed. cheers
  14. maybe correct me thinks but who am i, each to their own and all that.
  15. He's five and ahalf months mate, cheers
  16. hi a good friend of mine is looking to buy a whippet bitch, what price ,location,reason for parting etc. you can PM if you prefer, many thanks .
  17. pup coming along nicely, he loves it on the ferret pen, a good vantage point i think. cheers
  18. yes mate it is a guinea fowl,along with phesi,squirrel and a few rabbits a varied morning if nowt else. and pup done well. cheers
  19. try a ferret harness with the collar through that , it works for us,
  20. just asking, got an old ped here mentions a few. i like the truth,its quite rare these days
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