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Posts posted by Boojet

  1. well done ,nice dog mate.how old is it?hows it bred?

    got a yongun myself gona be doin some of the same myself soon.




    hes 7month

    and hes a saluki/greyhound

    Well done mate, but take it easy on his young bones, slowly with not too many runs is the way .

    Until he's a bit older ,just my opinion.

    all the best

  2. :thumbs::unsure:

    Didnt his best mate Hancock breed a few experimental alsation litters?I wonder how they turned out?

    hancock bred a little of alsation/greyhounds after being persuaded by plummer, plummer had met geoff battans whom hunted mostly deer with the cross :drink: trader

    attingham park shropshire seems to spring to mind when you mention that name

  3. deffo say beardie cross poss a beardie to grey/beddy/whippet or something like that sure i seen this one was it a pikeys dog? if so most probs a long line of lurcher to lurcher breedings as they will breed anything with anything aslong as its doing its job . cracking dog anyway and its most deff seen a brush lol .


    Majority of travellers have never kept a running dog long enough to breed anything bar the odd litter of pups, if it's the right money anything has a price with these boys.

    There will always be another.

    all the best.

  4. if i wanted a show dog, i'd buy a chihuahua.

    they may well work. most lurchers will chase given the chance. but i bet they're asking a fortune for these pups. you know what? i'll ring 'em on monday, get the lowdown, and report back. might be good for a laugh.


    on a slightly different tack, i'm off to the East Anglian tomorrow, my mum asked me if i was going to show Gyp (her and dad were regulars at the local shows in the 70's). she was dumfounded when i told her there was no point, as he has scars & some of the feathering trimmed from his ears (tore his lug on a blackthorn), and he'd be marked down for actually looking like he'd done some work. "what the hell has the lurcher world come to?!" <---- her words.

    Whats the lowdown then ossie how much etc

    all the best.

  5. Iwonder if it's to do with a collies need to be directed/handled? When I was training and working gundogs you sometimes came across dogs (usually trial dogs) that were overly dependant on their handler and as such went to pieces when out of sight of the handler. Terriers and Salukis being more independant types are maybe better equipped to cope when they find themselves alone?


    a fair point but doesnt equate to this bitch as when sent out on a long run she will cast out like a collie and use the dead ground to come up on game which she cant possibly see but she always comes up right on them ... the problem occours if she has been led on a bit of a dance accross the ground or if there is even a sparse woodland involved ... i can honestly be 20 feet away from her in a wooded environment and she will be spinning wildly panicking that she cant find me ..................

    hi mate, just wondering what sort of bond you have with the dog?

    What age is the dog, and have you owned it from a pup?

    all the best.

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