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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF


    The only place he is going to the gym is in his head mate ! lol
  2. And this my point really, it’s obvious you are at pure nothing so maybe you do need the gym….but it don’t require a conference, just nip down the leisure centre and join, job done. All the best in your quest for a new you !
  3. And managing it one handed while typing absolute encyclopaedias on here with the other….some man.
  4. Yeah, now I get you…..mental health is definitely something you should focus on.
  5. Then with the greatest of respect, what the f**k are you worrying about then ?
  6. I found out the other day that brown bread has more calories than white bread, but I don’t really worry about that sort of thing, it was just a surprise.
  7. Let me do you the favour of a serious response for a second. Ive been retired 10 years and enjoyed every second of doing f**k all and cooking and eating things I like and, just like every male in my line before me, I’m a big old dude now although still able for 90 minutes of football every week at 53 year old. You on the other hand are probably in your 40s and looking to sort yourself out, now, if you are 40 and in tatters what the f**k have you been at for the last 25 year ? There’s lads of 40 never went near a gym in their life and they are in great order because they graft and
  8. You see these Holland & Barrat ads on the telly mate and they are charging a fortune for something that you can just put in your dinner every day. Food is a biggie imho, sometimes you want something heavy and robust and frankly rubbish (like a full English) and that’s fine, but sometimes you want something lighter, fresher…..it’s all in world cooking. Mediterranean, Asian, Italian…..Our own isle has some of the greatest produce in the world, well worth investigating
  9. The only work out you’re doing is to work out exactly what utter f***ing nonsense you’re going to type today…..congratulations, you’re off and running.
  10. What do people cook with ?…… I used absolutely loads (and I mean loads) of garlick, turmeric, paprika, cumin, black pepper, ginger, basil etc etc on a weekly basis Loads and loads of herbs and spices Not for any medicinal reason, just because I like to cook and I like to have a bit of flavour & interest in what I’m eating. I’ve always cooked like that and one thing I have noticed over the years is, my dogs get all our leftovers, and they never need worming….ever.
  11. WILF


    Fantastic mate, good for you.
  12. WILF


    “The Jackanory Workout”
  13. WILF


    You’re more like Rocky Dennis ! lol
  14. WILF


    Did someone else get the cleaning contract ?
  15. WILF


    Tell us some more imaginary things you are going to do ? lol
  16. WILF


    Don’t tell us, 3 weeks down David Lloyds and it will be cage fighting next ?
  17. WILF


    I’d imagine you have fingers like He-Man’s arms the amount of utter wank you type every single day ?
  18. I’d be Rip Wheeler……. You’d be Rip the arse of your trousers !
  19. We call it Brawn over here.
  20. What do you think the EU want to do then ?, bring them a box of chocolates ? lol
  21. 100%, it’s a hard truth to swallow for those of us of a certain age but one we must indeed own and try and do better. This happened on our watch !
  22. WILF


    I agree it’s going to require a monumental effort, a massive struggle and a bucket load of luck to rid us of the Labour/Tory/Lib Dem scum…..it’s going to require almost a miracle. If anyone thinks it’s just going to happen then I suggest they have not fully grasped what a perilous and degraded state we are in as a nation and as a people. Theres are hundreds of thousands of people who are literally the poison within, the disease that has rotted our nation from inside. Theres are millions of people who are not our own, feeding off us, sucking the last drops of life from the decayi
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