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Everything posted by WILF

  1. 500 death in a year……looking for some context I just googled how many people die in car crashed across the world, it’s 3200 A DAY ! If they are that worried, seal off Africa !
  2. Was you under water when you took this mate ?
  3. Not at all mate, I’m pretty relaxed about this stuff believe it or not….I took my own advice and checked out. In no other walk of life would you pay fortunes to be told f**k you every day…..you wouldn’t go in a restaurant, pay them £300 and in return the chef spits on your empty plate and then hands it back to you so you can eat it…..and you go back every day for your dinner ! But that’s the logic we debate every day in conversations like this mate, but there is no logic…..they are spitting on your plate every day and we all discuss the flavour and the amount ! Lol f**k th
  4. Imho, it’s not good waiting for the government (Tory or Labour) to be fair to you…..it’s never going to happen, ever ! These people are money junkies and they will keep dreaming up new things to piss it away on none of which involve doing right by the people that paid in all their life…..in fact it will be everyone but you ! If that's not clear by now then you haven’t been paying attention !! Take everything you can, while you can and leave them c**ts behind ! If you are older and about to go in a home, get your place in care sorted then take your savings, book into the best
  5. In a word, betrayed mate ! My advice would be not to save (they will only find a way to nick it), my advice would be to take your ball, tell them you aren’t playing anymore and check out…….if you are of an age, find a nice cheap place in a nice country and leave them to all see where this great plan leaves them without the people that built and payed for it all f**k em !
  6. Those story’s are not for the thinkers mate, they are for the plebs !
  7. Yeah, I bet you are really worried about some utter buffoon of a British copper “telling” the United States he is going to take one of their citizens from US soil and put him in jail ! Lol I think we all know how that phone call ends ! Lol
  8. Another bit of mind f**k propaganda released to paint British people in a negative light…..like we are a load of f***ing fat, lazy, mongs who by default can’t make our country function without “outside” help…….never mind we built the world, nah, forget that….we suddenly turned into a load of retards in the last 50 year. f**k that and anyone spreading that lie.
  9. But you said Brits in your post and that British people are too bone idle to do the jobs ?……what exactly are you on about ?
  10. 10 million ???!!!!……bollocks ! It was 3 million in the worst years of Thatcher, where the f**k is anyone getting 10 million from ? Thats 30% of the work force I reckon ?…….absolute f***ing nonsense
  11. In fairness, the technical approach to football coaching and the UEFA licenses were spawned in Holland….Ajax, PSV…..the world looked at how they were doing it and copied them. Even La Masia don’t exist as we know it without Cruyff. Dutch players are technically speaking very, very astute. Its drilled in from kids, good first touches, receiving on the correct foot, passing football….today, anything you are seeing in European leagues can be traced directly back to Holland. Their domestic league may not be the best in the world, but they sure know how to produce players.
  12. Do you think City are top entertainment though mate ?…..is it not a bit same old, same old now? Like a nice car, it’s nice for a while but then it’s as boring as every other car. I wonder if people will look back with the same fondness on this city team like they do the swashbuckling Manchester United of the golden Fergie years, or Wengers Invincible's or even your very own Newcastle with Ginola etc etc back in the day ?……even today, in Europe Real Madrid would be way better to watch than city imho…..to be fair, for me, Brentford would be more entertaining. There’s just f**k all
  13. Yeah, I’m happy with that signing….was Mbappe he was up against last season and it was the highlight of the game that battle….
  14. A lad who used to be on here is a farm manager and a real exponent of regenerative, he has been travelling all over the world finding out about different regenerative systems, keeps a rare breed of cattle, employs mob grazing and regenerative systems on his farm……he is really forging a path in the U.K. for it. Top lad and really making a difference.
  15. For anyone with an interest in all of these things, this book is top class and a real eye opener…..really gets you thinking.
  16. It’s why I have an interest in the regenerative farming model, it’s basically organic except the word “Organic” has been hijacked and monetised and is basically paying a lot of money for a badge as a farmer/smallholder. But regenerative put soil at the root (excuse the pun) of everything…..healthy soil, healthy plants, healthy grazing, healthy livestock, healthy food, healthy you !……..sounds so obvious and simple when you read it like that but we are a million miles away from that in modern farming systems…..as in, it’s not even a consideration !! But there is a growing regenerative
  17. I’ve seen a few lads out weed licking lately (for the uninformed, don’t laugh, it’s a real thing ! Lol ) and all the cattle are out grazing, and it’s their silage fields etc etc and they are using Round Up……..and I always think “Would you drink a cup of that if I offered you it ?” And the answer is probably no, they wouldn’t…..but they will happily let the cattle going into the food chain as meat and milk eat it…..it’s f***ing howling really. Same as buying a bag of spuds always sends shivers down my spine, all sprayed off with round up before harvest…..Theres f**k all we can d
  18. Was it aluminium or silica or something like that, that rings a bell.
  19. Spot on mate, my Mrs was diagnosed years ago with endometriosis and she set about studying everything about cause, effect blah blah The thing that stuck with me was the amount of toxins in a woman’s body by about the age they have kids…..it’s mental ! Whater she found out must have worked because after a miscarriage and struggling to conceive (we was still in our 20s) 4 kids came along like busses ! Lol
  20. Does anyone think there is really some complicated secret to eating ?……I don’t think there is. Just eat good fresh cooked grub made from scratch, salad, fruit. There’s never been a more widely available array of herbs, spices, condiments than there is today and you can literally conjure up anything. Even something as historically boring as salad, you can soon knock up a dressing of soy, freshly squeezed lime, salt, pepper and a bit of chilli if that’s what takes you fancy…..good for you, good for your gut and tastes fantastic. You can do the same with an Italian twist, Brit
  21. I wonder where the most cases of TB are in the UK…….I’d hazard a guess that it’s London….. Wonder what could be the reasons for that ?
  22. These people can say what they like, but we all know what America’s response will be if some British official starts demanding they extradite a US citizens, they will tell him to go f**k himself and put the phone down ! Lol All that noise is for the domestic market, we are awash with these lunatics here mate.
  23. WILF


    I’m guessing if he is taking his boy mate he wants safe and clean, not bed bugs and piss stained sheets that have seen more Murphys workers arseholes than a site toilet and view like you are in Islamabad ! Lol
  24. WILF


    Yeah, but it’s still a paddy’s boarding house……in Wembley ! He wants to take his boy and show him a bit of wonder, not make him want to quit the country ! Lol
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