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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Hence the engineered break up of the family unit mate, now 2 people are working with salary’s just enough to float (if they make full use of the credit card of course !)….eat some junk and pay “them”, all those “them’s” ! Leave people alone and they would thrive a lot better and be a lot happier…..but there’s no money in leaving them alone
  2. No, they are not ! The only thing we should truly delegate to a government is security (foreign and domestic) and infrastructure……for that we should accept that we willingly contribute. If government just did the things government are meant to do the “tax” rate would be about 3%….true story
  3. Zero !……it don’t cost anything ! You cant tax your way to prosperity You can’t borrow your way into the black You can’t legislate your way to freedom ! There is no cost to improving peoples lives, that’s why they don’t do it.
  4. You can say that again ! Lol
  5. I’ve always believed one of the very best things about football (or any proper sport I suppose) is that it teaches you great life lessons….it really is survival of the fittest both mentally and physically. Im not talking about screaming in young lads faces but a gradual increase of responsibility and accountability, effort = reward, dealing with adversity, being able to take it on the chin when someone calls you out for not doing your job and reacting in a positive way to achieve better outcomes for yourself, pushing yourself when you think you can’t give any more…….all these things will
  6. I promise, I’m not doing it on purpose mate ! Lol
  7. Good to have him back in the top flight, I have a lot of time for him as a player and his whole story as a player mate.
  8. I completely understand the concept mate, but I don’t feel that the man in the street is benefiting from this “healthy” economy.
  9. Completely understood squire and I used to be a massive advocate and believer in the “trickle down” effect…..I’m still an advocate for it in a properly functioning, fair system. However, I don’t believe that is what we have and we haven’t had it for a good while now……what we have is akin to some kind of council estate money lender type thing going on where the borrower is forced to borrow by the system while the same system then never lets him out of the trap…..doomed to be continually poor relatively speaking and kept in servitude to “them” I remember as a young man, there was a cle
  10. Do you not think that the index relates less and less to the man in the ground though mate ?……I mean, at 8.4 that’s as high as it’s been by and large but the bloke in the street is struggling like f**k still and there’s not much end in sight for that. Someone’s getting richer but it isn’t the bloke in the street anymore imho
  11. Jamie Vardy giving the yids some shithouse…..fantastic
  12. Nice mutt Wolfdog, however take that stupid harness off…..only complete danglers use those ! Proper collar and lead or a slip is the home of non screamers !
  13. I listened to a very thought provoking speech yesterday made by Enoch Powell in 1982 in the House of Commons. He made a very good point about immigration which I don’t think many of us consider (I certainly hadn’t in reality)……he said it’s pointless to talk about immigration, it’s a deception by the politicians. He said, the damage is done…What he meant was, it was done the moment the likes of the Windrush docked…..like pouring dye into water……once it’s in its never coming out and actually it only multiplies because the immigrant families outbreed everyone and once born here they are
  14. The horrible thing is, this got broken on our watch mate……we are responsible. Im as responsible as the next bloke and I’m ashamed I wasn’t better informed, much earlier in life…..
  15. Has there not been a hankering for a return to “gold standard” currency for a while now amongst ordinary lads like us ?…….I think over the years many of us have made the case about how this whole debt economy is built on foundations of dust. Our “economy”, the world economy is nothing more than a paper trail of promises to pay with ordinary peoples homes and the threat of homelessness as the only security at its foundation. It allows governments and their paymasters to cook the books on a daily basis and we all pick up the tab and they buy another multi million pound property somewhere
  16. Here’s a thing to consider, let us just take a moment and think about the mentality of the coppers sent to arrest her…….. As in, what type of sentient human being thinks there is anything OK about it in the slightest ?…….it must take a special kind of small minded, automaton to do that to that woman. Officers like that have devalued that job to a point that they are nothing more than traffic wardens and deserving of about the same respect…..and their numbers grow daily in a force that has been deliberately made a political force, box tickers and petty oppressors
  17. Let’s rephrase a line of that: “………..the REACHE programme has taken £6.5 million that you paid in away from educating your kids and given it to asylum seekers”
  18. I’d say drugs are absolutely just part of every day life in my old area, as in it’s not even considered crime…..it’s like buying a pint of milk or drinking a can of Fanta…..it’s so common that it’s “normal” !!! No mate, the thing they was all getting into before I left was home invasions, kidnapping and torture !! They was kicking front doors in at 7:30 in the morning, when the husband had left for work but the mum was getting the kids ready for school so they could rob gaffs. Then they upped it to gangs breaking into houses in the middle of the night and torturing the family’s un
  19. Point is, she won’t be alone…..there’s a million of her.
  20. Agreed mate, but they also need a nice country to go back to when released…..otherwise, what’s the point.
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