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Everything posted by WILF

  1. If you mug an old lady in the UK, the government buys you a new leisure centre……if you do it in the Arab states they cut your hands off ! I think your answer is somewhere in there ! Lol
  2. Sshhh…..nothing to see here, move along
  3. It’s not about if he will notice, it’s about if it’s fair…..they are 2 completely different things Let that sink in for a minute old chap
  4. You can alter the numbers but the logic remains the same mate……you probably drive a later model car than I do so if you’d be so kind as to sell your car, give me the differential in price so that I can buy a newer car and you end up with a car of a similar age then that would be great…..I’ll pm my address so you can send the cheque ! Lol I won’t ask you why you drive a later model car, maybe you earned it ?……but that don’t matter in this conversation because you have more and I have less so give me some of yours……in fact don’t decide to give me it, I’ll send someone round to make you giv
  5. I see the wheels are coming off your latest incarnation……have fun ! Lol
  6. I don’t think it matters who done it mate, what I think matters is that it’s a measure of modern British society……for everything these political party’s have done, here is their result type thing
  7. Peewit on every thread:
  8. Let me make this really, really simple for you: If I have 6 beans and you have 8 beans and someone asks for some beans, I give them 2 beans and you give them 2 beans….that way we have both contributed exactly the same which by any logical measure is fair. However if I give 2 beans and you give 4 beans then that’s not fair because by any logical measure we have not contributed the same…… If we apply the “wealthiest can pay more” ridiculous logic then we’d all be round our next door neighbours every time that got something better than us and helping ourselves which is clearly out
  9. But something I consider a truism none the less, but in this scenario I don’t think there is anything chaotic about it, it’s just another clue that there is some kind of agreed agenda…..I don’t believe “clever” people do things by accident.
  10. I could explain but it would be completely pointless, I’ll nip outside and explain it to the dog who frankly will have a better grasp and less predictable responses. Crack on old chap
  11. Fact of the matter is, that old lady don’t matter any more…….nobody outside “the narrative” does.
  12. Best of luck to her mate
  13. Just keep in mind he isn’t trying to make any point, he is just writing stuff to provoke reactions and then you can choose to engage or ignore any of it as you see fit mate.
  14. No, we are talking about a possible war in Europe as per the title of the thread……when that happens and I believe it’s highly likely, then you will be able to trace a direct line from every other thing mentioned on this thread to that conflict.
  15. Here’s some basic reality, as we fund a land grab in Ukraine to the tune of billions a butchers shop that has been going for 30 year in my old town closes its doors for the final time this week, a top lad, always good for a chat, just an ordinary white hard working bloke who sold a good product at good prices……the green grocer who was across the street now power washes block paved drive ways ! Alan & Scot, a disappearing type of Englishmen ! I suppose a mobile phone shop, Turkish barbers or take a way will replace them no doubt assisted by generous grants.
  16. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..it’s a duck ! We are being abused right, left and centre on a daily basis.
  17. And the culture was still shite…..
  18. The culture of the organisation was different then, nothing to do with money
  19. No, it’s not because……everyone don’t pay exactly the same % Then and only then is it truly fair
  20. I don’t think funding has anything to do with it at all
  21. I used to have a new lad here and there work for me who was a total wanker, you would always hear them talking the same crap “if I had £50 more a day I’d be brilliant”……..and here is the fact, no, they wouldn’t….they would still be a wanker except they would be a more expensive wanker…..which is much the same scenario as we see with the NHS ! The trouble with spending other peoples money is that nobody cares about it, it has no value, you just burn it and get more and that’s the way it go’s
  22. That’s a different thing, you posed the question (sort of) of if taxes were necessary…..and I answered you. Now, if you want to delegate more to the state of course they want paying for that, however, it still don’t add up to the gargantuan amounts they are taking off you with one hand and running up on the debt clock with the other (which you will also be paying for) …..and yes I am a fan of helping those most in need but again, it’s the every tenth beast under the Rod scenario and help as a social act rather than an enforced expropriation of private peoples money (a fraction of which th
  23. So your are not an advocate of fair tax then mate…….and yes, I am upto mischief with my question ! Lol
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