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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF


    I think this is the most blatant bunch of our & out ideologues we have ever elected……as in, they ain’t even trying to hide their student union, socialist workers party world view ! At least all the other shower of c**ts had the good graces to pretend but not these lot, these are like kids in a sweet shop.
  2. Well, let’s not dwell too much on West Ham the weekend ! Lol I have to say, I like the noises that Postacoglu makes and it’s reflected in the swashbuckling style the yids play……it’s one of those “it’s go’s right big or it go’s wrong big” styles…..I have to admire the bravery of that in football. Watched some cracking European games, that young Barca team don’t give a f**k and Real Madrid v Dorrmund was one of the best games I have watched for a long, long time. AC Milan v Brugge was another good watch, that young Brugge team went at them and it was a shame about the se
  3. And that’s the thing, I could be way off but I don’t think the yids are doing it for money……I think it’s for the genuine reason of wanting to euthanise some vermin. Totally agree with your post by the way.
  4. All that may be true mate, but in its simplest form they are blowing the f**k out of people who hate us and that’s fine by me. I think we can say it’s engineered to undermine the West but in all honesty our governments do have autonomy about this stuff……the fact is, we are undermining ourselves (as can be seen with the boat crossings) ……..our governments are undermining us and the majority of voters are voting for it. f**k all to do with Russia in reality, it’s all self inflicted wounds. If we had gone to any of these Arab wars we have been involved in the last 30 years and just l
  5. War crimes……the yids have done more in 12 months to sort out those horrible f***ing savages than we managed in 25 years ! Lol The moral of the story is, don’t f**k about and pick fights with people who don’t give two fucks about rinsing you out ! Lol
  6. I think when you critique it yourself again in the cold light of day, you have said it all yourself there mate. There we’re two roles and the other two seemed more open to making it work as a team. If they had wanted someone for an individual role who has to do things on their own then they would have chosen you. Makes total sense to me and is in no way a reflection on your ability, some people just ain’t cut out to share responsibility……I never was and it can lead to conflicts and maybe they don’t want conflicts ? Anyway, all totally logical as far as I can see.
  7. Journalism pays well ? Lol
  8. WILF


    My grandad was there in the war…..said it was a lovely place…….but tracking down every yid was a pain in the arse.
  9. Import the 3rd world, get the 3rd world……it really is as simple as that.
  10. I used to have a good customer and friend in Thetford so I used to drive down there quiet a bit. He had this old mad local bloke used to work for him called David…..this bloke kept greyhounds and was always regaling me with story’s about his last race or the next race, typically it would be along the lines of “ Got to get home and give then old dog his medicine, racing tonight” which sounded funny in his broad Norfolk accent not least because you knew he was giving the dog speed (or wizz) as it was commonly called at the time. He would be out in the woods poaching deer with a cross b
  11. Not a dig at you mate, but therein lays the problem……the vast majority of people do exactly that and that’s why these people feel empowered and get away with murder. When I was a kid that never used to happen, people would treat them like the out of place strangers they are. Random men and women of all ages wouldn’t think twice about saying “here, who you talking to, this ain’t your country” wether that be in shops, bus stop, work place…..anywhere. As it’s died out, the worse these people have got. The day before I left England I got called a racist by an African as I picke
  12. That’s what you took from that video ?…….seriously ? Personally I thought good for them, talking absolute sense about culture, heritage and the effect of the 3rd world invasion.
  13. Here, a raid on your fowl (especially water fowl which seem to attract mustelids like magnets) is much more likely to be a mink or a pine marten rather than a fox…..there are way more of them than there are fox as well. The amount of predators and vermin species in the west of Ireland is unbelievable and almost everything is protected unless you have some derogation that you have to go to the trouble of applying for. Corvids are everywhere !…..and it’s illegal to decoy crows. Also, some crow species are protected and some are not…..which I personally would find a pain in the arse
  14. WILF

    Alex Salmon

    As a man, I’m sure we all feel sorry for his family. As a public figure that held sway over ordinary people lives and was part of the political elite that has seen our nations decimated…..f**k him the horrible c**t ! Another treacherous, globalist shit c**t who would have happily sold his own people down the river under the lie of independence (and no doubt done very nicely himself out of it) He is about as much of a loss to us as Himmler !
  15. Sligo battered them for 90 minutes if I’m honest mate and then Celtic nicked it with two goals in stoppage time. All celtics goals were identical, left mid fielder unmarked at the back post for a tap in…..but Celtic had no answers for the whole game, Sligo sussed the press very early and then just kicked to the centre forward and won all the knock downs then played from there, Celtic couldn’t deal with them mate.
  16. It was good mate, great bonus for a club like Sligo to fill the ground.
  17. So the choice voters will have at the next election is: Closet queer globalist bought and paid for by a paki Wog bird A bloke who looks like he got his arse fingered by the big boys at grammar school 4 days a week in the gym changing room ! Jesus Christ like !!
  18. There was a time when I’d have unhesitatingly put my hand up and said “Me” !! Not anymore……I’d have to have a serious think about what “nation” would I be fighting for ?…….because if it’s this, then they can f**k off, it can’t die quickly enough for my liking.
  19. Good enough for both sets of people, they deserve everything they are getting……let’s not forget, on this site we are the majority, lads who think in broadly similar ways and feel the sting of the same betrayals. But that’s not the case out there in the real world, we are very much in the minority out there…….most people couldn’t give a flying f**k because it don’t matter enough to them. It rather moves in to the conversation about Nationalist movements, imho I could genuinely go and and post a million leaflets through doors for a nationalist party of some description and I can almost
  20. My opinion is that boat loads and boat loads of the 3rd world will succeed in a way British nationalists never could…..every boat is one step closer to the edge and this don’t get mended until we tip over that edge. Im a lover of old sayings, the longer you live the more you understand the wisdom in them….in this scenario I think that eventually, given enough rope, the traitors in western governments will hang themselves and I for one see those migrant boats for the rope they are. We will all be touched by it, make no mistake, some sooner rather than later and when the dam event
  21. Back in the 70s the nationalist movement was strong, they held councils up north and everything, would see hundreds turn out at rallies etc etc In the 1979 election or whatever year it was Thatcher was elected they stood around 300 candidates and every single one lost their deposit ! Our family doctor stood in an area that had seen massive damage inflicted on it by the government with first of all what they called “slum clearance” ,they wasn’t, they were traditional south London streets in old Dock areas where everyone knew everyone else and generations of families lived in the
  22. Me and the boy will be in Rangers shirts, true story ! Lol
  23. I agree with the “stop making them so welcome” but I think that even transcends government…..it’s something that can be done at an everyday level. You will remember the old saying “Don’t know em, don’t want to know em” ……well I still think that’s relevant. I don’t think it means screaming obscenities in someone face or letting yourself run out of petrol because you won’t use the garage…..that’s just ludicrous imho, of course you will have daily interactions with blacks of all descriptions but you don’t have to go out of your way to do it as some do and you can discourage it in the y
  24. Completely agree mate, spot on
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