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Everything posted by WILF

  1. As they say mate, if you didn’t laugh you’d f***ing cry
  2. Southend yesterday ! If only I knew how to put the music from Pirates of the Caribbean over the top ! Lol
  3. Good for them, white British people willing to cost themselves something to stand up for what they believe ! How many Brickies & Plasterers & electricians who complain about the 3rd world invasion and loss of the countryside will refuse to work on those 300,000 houses the government are going to build every year for the next 5 years for people who are not our own ?…….I bet not one !
  4. I’ve have to choose my words carefully here so they are not misinterpreted….. I have watched with interest this week as first, we watched a soldier brutally attacked as if it was just nothing and then these poor little children, innocent kids just at their play doing innocent things and happy as all kids should be…….and I also watched the big demo in London and read a couple of things admonishing ?, maybe not admonishing but maybe hinting that “anyone who wasn’t there should be” I also watched the counter demo that was attended by tens of thousands of white British people, people wav
  5. I have proof of you like……. You are welcome
  6. I agree, but my point remains, it would have a global positive impact if we stopped supporting billions of people who can’t and never will get their act together…….even a thick f****r like me can see that.
  7. No, context. Context and nuance are everything. So, from a basic point of view of course Africa does not have housing estates and electrical everything and millions of cars. But the rest of the world is expending massive resources to keep them all alive. In Britain, the new government is talking about building 300,000 new houses a year……each new build is about an average of 50 tons of CO2 (that’s before anyone has moved in or switched in a light bulb) We ain’t building those houses because indigenous British people have been at it like rabbits since the war……we are bu
  8. No, not at all, can you tell me the one thing your examples are lacking ?
  9. So is that their carbon footprint or ours ? Just so I’m clear like, cheers
  10. I’m willing to accept that, so tell me, based on what ? Are we talking about the fact we have more air fryers in the west or global human impact ?
  11. Populations growth in the 3rd world to be exact, it’s not Europeans because we are going backwards…..well below replacement levels in fact.
  12. Here is a brutal truth……we should be letting Africa starve to death….period ! Sub Saharan Africa has the highest birth rate on the planet. In the 1960s, Lagos had a population of less than 1 million……now it’s around 20 million !!! But we have not done that, what we have done is keep a population who are incapable of sustaining themselves artificially alive……these are a people who live on a continent with everything and can make it produce or sustain nothing, they just break everything. So now we have taken to importing these people, who absolutely subtract from ev
  13. WILF


    They wasn’t raping her, they were engineers and scientists re-engineering her body parts and expanding her narrow cultural horizons…..she’s a much happier, more culturally aware, informed person today than she was last week and thankful I’m sure for the experience !
  14. WILF


    Because nothing screams “Paris” like a darkie from south central LA ! Lol Its like when they had Tom Cruise at the jubilee……it’s comedy gold mate.
  15. WILF

    Turn Offs

    Nothing says “George Clooney” like coming home after 3 days away stinking of pigs and wet terriers…..your average women is positively ripping her clothes off to jump into bed ! Lol
  16. Sir, having trod that path, I salute you !!
  17. WILF

    Turn Offs

    I’ve had to smile at a thread about “what you don’t like about women” in which men who probably look like the love child of an obese corpse & jack Hargreaves’s, with a penchant for killing little animals, sitting on riverbanks covered in 2 days of sweat, mud and fish slime and a fashion sense like they have been rolled in glue and dragged through oxfam by a horse discuss women like they are Brad Pitt ! Lol lol Amazing !
  18. When you know how money is now created then you understand why ever increasing debt just don’t matter. The books don’t actually have to balance
  19. I don’t find it shocking because I know a British bloke don’t matter in Britain……no matter what he has contributed. The Torys & Labour (and all the academics and civil servants and media) f***ing hate us…..the sooner we curl up our toes and die the better they will like it.
  20. WILF

    Turn Offs

    I can see you haven’t really thought about it ! Lol
  21. Genuine question mate, what makes you think you and your life matter in any way, shape or form in your own land ?……..like, why is anyone even surprised about any of their stuff anymore ?
  22. We can’t talk about there being a two tier police system and then applaud the use of a two tier police system….it’s ludicrous mate. Which by the way is completely unrelated to the massive infringement of your freedoms this legislation has enshrined in law.
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