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Everything posted by WILF

  1. I watched an old documentary yesterday from the 80s, it was a TV Eye documentary. It was filmed on Tees Street in Birkenhead, only 1 adult male on the street had a job. This was after the local workforce in the ship yards had been reduced from 40,000 to 1300 !! The street was all white British people and what struck me was, despite their predicament, the street was immaculate, well kept gardens, neat houses, you could have eaten your dinner off the pavement as they say. These people had nothing, but they had their pride and a sense of how things should be that was no doubt
  2. Maybe it takes people wheeling a wheel barrow full of money down to the shop to buy bread while foreigners exploit you like it did last time mate ?…….
  3. I’ve been saying that’s where we are heading for a long time now, it can’t lead anywhere else, history tells us that.
  4. Completely agree, but Starmer has made a big noise about it and they, once again, have set the rules of the game so they have no option but to arrest him. And threats to kill is an actually real offence. Going to protest that the police or government decide is illegal at any given minute is now also a real offence. There used to be a difference and context but they did away with all that. Once upon a time nobody would have given it a second thought, they would have just said f**k him, maybe a couple of lads would have spotted him out and about and give him a good hidin
  5. I have to agree, it’s the view I took in the end……you only have to see how many of our own think it’s a good idea, are willing to see people vilified, destroyed, put in prison to understand that this beast has to be left to eat itself.
  6. What is it mate ?…..I have no access to those links
  7. Being able to buy things from other people has absolutely nothing to do with culture. Europe is also a continent and if you were looking for a serious conversation rather than trying to turn this into a farce as usual, you’d have read I corrected that mistake later in the paragraph. That’s all I have to say to you about that. All the best
  8. It’s because a few tribal leaders own all the wealth and ruthlessly control all the other poor fuckers, same as has always happened and same as happens to us to greater or lesser degrees……before oil they were still Bedouins and they will be that after oil. Theres more to creating a society than having the money to get others to build things you couldn’t build yourself …….we did it from the ground up. Great point, one that nicely ties in with my theory. Africa is one of the richest country’s on earth, in terms of mineral wealth, rich soils, good climate….it’s has it all, in f
  9. If we are all the same, why doesn’t every country look the same ?…..even those with hundreds of thousands of years head start ?
  10. British is a passport…..nothing more. But a Briton is a white European for as far back in history as matters. So, no, he can’t be a Briton anymore than I can be an African…..same as someone born with a penis can’t be a woman…..ever. Its just a genetic fact of life. For the purposes of destruction of a culture and an identity and by default a society…..no. It’s like this, and this is only my observation, it’s never about “the 1”……1 can inter-grate, 1 can become part of a community and will live just as that community has always lived because that is the only and t
  11. I think what we have to remember with Starmer and all his clones at all levels of society is that we are dealing with zealots……and you can’t reason with zealots. No, they will double down and double down again and we will see where that leads ?
  12. I wonder if these harsh and over zealous sentences for protesting in your own land will have people reconsidering if it the best course of action ? Maybe it will backfire and certain people will target immigration lawyers, so called anti Racist groups and the individuals associated with them, academics promoting the left wing agenda , media and journalists calling people “far right” and spreading propaganda, maybe even local and national politicians themselves?, maybe they will think it’s high time those people found themselves in the firing line?……it would I’m sure we all agree be a terr
  13. Remember places, traitors faces, they’ll all pay for their crimes……
  14. The government did no such thing, they were entitled to come here as members of the empire under what (we now know) was an extremely short sighted act of Parliament. Theres was an unemployment problem in the West Indies and the Windrush had seats to fill for a return journey and so filled the boat cut price with job seekers looking for work. This fallacy that they were the “great saviours” of Britain is total and utter f***ing nonsense…..don’t feel like you’ve been saved now does it.
  15. They literally just did it the other week…..not even going, just planning. That's what the new legislation allows them to do.
  16. Ahh, come on mate, you are better than that. What does that even mean ?…….so what if the lads at home after a lifetime of maybe telling everyone this stuff is wrong already ? Why does having an honestly held opinion require him the be a Klansman ? It’s silly mate
  17. Fair enough mate, I understand it. Personally I don’t know what else folks can do ?…..I’ve said for years that the only things that deals with insanity is insanity….this (and worse) is the only place it can ever end up. Just giving British people a few extra quid is not going to make it ok that soldiers are getting chopped to pieces, it not going to make it ok that kids are raped and stabbed, it’s not going to make lads like me suddenly feel ok about sending my kids to school with a class load of the 3rd world…..we don’t f***ing want these people or anything they have to offer.
  18. The bottom line is mate, places like Bradford, Birmingham, London etc should not exist in a European country……no amount of levelling up fixes that, it’s an unnatural state for an indigenous people.
  19. Law and order only has legitimacy if it’s applied evenly, fairly and without favour…..that isn’t the case at the moment. The police have made themselves an overtly political organisation and they ain’t on our side. So, yes, those people who have had enough do speak for lots of people.
  20. If the government can look after the 3rd world to the tune of tens of millions a day then they can look after a white British bloke in his own land after years of destroying his future ! I don’t give a shit if every single one of those lads is on the dole, if they are white and British then it’s their country and they are entitled to it.
  21. I agree, but what we have to be careful of (imho) is to not get caught out buying into it because it effects something we don’t approve of. Im not rehashing a discussion we have already had with that comment by the way mate because we have been there, it’s just an honest reply……all we can do in most of these things is just refuse to condone it.
  22. Of course it’s being used, I have not looked at what changes they would need to make to legislation to widen the use and powers but im guessing they have to make some or he wouldn’t have said it. Whatever they are should be rejected.
  23. Are they protesting “in the right way” ? Lol lol I agree, if this had been a small one off event I’d have said they were playing into the medias hands…..but actually with something so widespread, if these people are historically good enough to die in our wars then they are good enough to stand up for themselves however they see fit. Fair play to every single last one of them…..some of them may not be pretty but they are there.
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