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Everything posted by WILF

  1. You know when you get to the train station at 12:45 only to find out the train was at 10:30 ?………yeah……
  2. If you look closely at my photo you will see that’s Glen Miller in the background with the bale of straw !
  3. WILF

    Bargain Buys

    Your Barnet after 6 gallon of Back to Black ! Lol
  4. You’re joking right ?
  5. That’s nothing…..Jimi Hendrix lives in the next farm along from me !
  6. WILF

    How did you

    I was in “nam”…….Dagenham !
  7. WILF

    How did you

    Nobody knows gritting you’re teeth until they have had a giant cotton bud coated in sandpaper pushed up their japs eye !
  8. WILF

    How did you

    Count yourself lucky, 150 years ago it would be because you wasn’t picking cotton fast enough ! Lol
  9. Power was off for 24 hours, both ends of my lane blocked with trees so can’t get in or out…..which is a right touch as the in laws flew over Friday, booked a B&B in town and couldn’t get to see us today and they fly home tomorrow !!……thank you storm Darragh, you are a legend !
  10. WILF

    How did you

    Do visits to the GU clinic count ?
  11. WILF

    How did you

    This is why we are friends !
  12. A film that for me a almost impossible to find and yet is one of my all time greats is “Leon…..the professional” Can’t find it anywhere !!
  13. Absolutely mate, but you know only too well how they can also move the goal posts on you…..you spend a career planning based on one thing only to end up with half of what was agreed in the first place…..for some, that has to be a killer ? But agreed, if you have 3 years done and have decided to get on the piss when you come out with no civilian skills to back it up then you are heading one way
  14. When it comes to homelessness wether that be soldiers or not, I think it’s accurate to say for SOME it’s a life choice…..wether that be choosing to be homeless or a succession of bad choices that lead to homelessness (drink, drugs, gambling etc etc) But I also think a lot of these conversations about subjects such as this are done out of context…..as in, they are opinions formed at some point 20 years ago or more. We have always had tramps (as they used to be called) but never like you see now……something more has happened. I don’t think it reasonable to say tens of thousands ar
  15. McHull don’t have natural disasters…….natural disasters have a McHull !
  16. Watched it on MOTD, great game
  17. Lads a baller, watched a thing a few years back of him controlling long balls absolutely fired into him, one touch and then pinging it perfectly into one of those tiny mini goals on the opposite side of the pitch……..like hitting a shopping bag from 40 yds every single time. I always think about that as I watch Paqueta give the ball away with a shit under hit 10m pass in every game ! Lol
  18. I genuinely don’t think we need them mate, that group of players are quality……they just need the right person to demand from them, inspire them and motivate them
  19. Getting rid of that sour jock prick was totally the right thing to do……the fact it appears we did the next thing wrong has nothing to do with it mate. As you know I have long said we should be looking to these young, brave, fresh coaches and I think one look at Brighton or Bournemouth bares out that statement. The bloke who I always spoke about, Linjders, is playing nice football at Salztbourg with a young group of players. Even your club has gone that route so we will see where that takes you. Keep bringing in these non entity’s or has beens has been boring as f**k
  20. Don’t blame him, who in their right mind would shovel a hundred zillion quid to a load of wankers to burn looking after the 3rd world if they had a choice ?
  21. Knowing Sullivan it will probably be Harry Potter ! Lol
  22. Always mixed feelings mate, it’s good that it weakens the Torys but let us not forget for 33 years he was part of the problem…….should that be forgiven ? I personally don’t think it should.
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