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Everything posted by WILF

  1. They can walk down the street in most European places…..the 3rd world ?, not so much !
  2. It’s f***ing easy, would you rather be a young girl alone waking down the street at 9pm in Glasgow or Kinshasa?……there’s your f***ing answer ! Nothing complicated or smart arse about it !
  3. You’ve never got out much have you mate, you really have no concept of how it works in an inner city area do you ? You actually believe that facing a ten stretch would make some Somalian street gang reconsider carrying a blade ? Lol You believe that getting lifed off would stop them killing you stone dead for a phone ? Lol f**k me, where they been keeping you ? Butlins ? Lol
  4. How many more times do I have to tell you, you could build a million prisons: THESE….PEOPLE……DONT……CARE !! This behaviour is cultural !……it’s called genetic inheritance !
  5. They are having to kick out murderers to make room for climate protestors…..where are you putting them all ? Lol Dont tell me, Scottish island ? Lol
  6. They have whole life term, it’s rare but it’s there……sooooo ? Lol What part of “these people don’t give a shit” are you not understanding ?
  7. How do you “fully retract” a claw hammer ? Lol Your point, whatever it is, is so simplistic and childish as to be frankly hilarious……it’s the type of logic you see old Doris’s spouting everyday. Talking about how everyone should buy an umbrella and not bothering to look out the window and see it’s a f***ing hurricane ! Lol
  8. What about hammers & garden tools ? Ten years for those as well ?
  9. What harsher sentences do you suggest ?……we have life for Murder…..and they still don’t give a shit ? So come on, what harsher things are there ?
  10. Shhhh……..the grown ups are talking, go and play in the garden ! Lol
  11. Shush now……there’s a good boy
  12. Lol……apparently we can’t afford to give old Doris £100 towards her heating bill never mind locking up tens of thousands of mistakes of our own making when we are adding to the problem to the tune of a couple of thousand a week !………. What next ?……Rocket propelled roller skates for everyone and cities under the sea ! Lay off the Stella ya screamer ! Lol
  13. They could always employ some of your mind reading policemen ? Lol
  14. Of course it won’t work, none of it will work because the damage is done beyond repair ! You talking about “cures” is about as much use as me talking about the people we were before……it’s f***ing meaningless in reality…..the dye is in the water and it’s never coming out !
  15. Girl……you know it’s true ! lol
  16. You are the Milli Vanilli of posters, the words come out but you have no mind of what you are saying ! Lol
  17. Yeah, what we need is to regulate innocent people more because 3rd world savages and their shit culture have taken over the country……yeah, nice one ! Lol You do realise that it would be some 45 year old white bloke with a penknife getting nicked don’t you ?……absolute f***ing ludicrous ! Lol I know you don’t actually believe it yourself but it’s an interesting conversation if for no other reason than to highlight the childlike proposition of you can legislate your way out of a genetic disease !
  18. Have they started employing policemen who can read minds now then ?……..please, tell me, how exactly can you distinguish when a 12 year old (or any age) tells you he is carrying a machete to go and cut back a few branches in a fishing spot or sort out his granny’s over grown tree in the garden or when he is going to stick it in someone’s head outside the local fried chicken shop ?………how do you do that ? Just by looking or what ?
  19. I used to carry a knife fishing, hunting, cutting plasterboards, laying a bit of lino…..I have one in the truck now for opening feed bags. What about hammers ?…….or rolling pins ? What about garden spades or shovels ? A brick ?………a cricket bat ? What about a garden or dinner fork ? Carving fork ? To my knowledge I’ve never harmed anyone with any of these and neither have 99.99% of other people……but now they should get 10 year behind the door just for having them maybe ? Absolute f***ing nonsense ! Let me tell everyone this, I bet British cit
  20. Won’t make a blind bit of difference ! They will put a tyre round your neck and set you on fire in townships for stealing a handbag never mind killing someone’s relative……and they are still offing each other in record numbers on a daily basis. It’s what these people do !
  21. Listening to this shit on the news just breaks me, there ain’t no complicated or clever reasons about any of this……it’s really f***ing simple ! Politicians we elected have turned the country into a 3rd world shit hole and now we are all crying and asking “why” because 3rd world things are happening ! We have polluted our own indigenous European children with this backwards 3rd world culture, held it up as something to aspire too……of course they are acting like 3rd world savages, what else have they been taught ?
  22. Yeah, not seen it yet but apparently we played some half decent football.
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