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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF

    Dry January

    I genuinely thought you’d been in the ninjas ! lol
  2. WILF

    Dry January

    Is that a ninja throwing star tattooed on your arm there ?
  3. I heard that Denmark has already announced a big increase in defence spending off the back of Trumps comments……I’d say that was his intention all along if it’s true. I think the bloke knows exactly what he’s at when he says things like he has ?
  4. WILF

    Dry January

    There’s some testosterone kicking about on here about knocking up a meal ! Lol A bloke who can’t take care of himself and by default anyone else is a fanny ! You may as well be 6 sucking your mums tit if you need anyone else to sort out the basic necessities of life and providing warm grub for your clan.
  5. WILF

    Dry January

    Thou dost protest too much methinks ?…….i bet you are getting shoved up Tesco at 8 bells Saturday morning with a list like the Magna Carta and sat in the corner like a naughty boy when you get home if you forget the Jaffa cakes ! lol
  6. WILF

    Dry January

    We live in what I earned, she stayed at home with the kids all them years because that’s what I personally wanted to happen. Now I’m retired 10 years and she has a job, I look after my youngest who is homeschooled and just f**k about all day, I’ve always been the best cook in the house….i can highly recommend it lads !
  7. WILF


    As has been said, concreting over things and the deterioration of farm soils is a massive factor….the ground just can’t hold the water anymore.
  8. The “racial” element only applies to you and me…..didn’t you get the memo ?
  9. What can be done won’t be done so it’s a pointless conversation.
  10. Mate, I have never said any different but as I have always maintained OUR shit is ours to deal with….what you don’t do is import more and worse.
  11. But mate, that’s been all obvious for 50 year !…….this ain’t new, these people don’t want you to be their friend and nor should we have any interest in being their friend. Im sure a well travelled lad like Mackem will tell you this is like letting junkies into a chemist with these Muslims…..it’s f***ing ingrained ! Just like the spade who likes the big fat blonde slags, get them wrapped up with the half chat kid and then fucks off….some things are just a truism ! The reasons the politicians don’t want to deal with it is because it’s shows the truth about what these peo
  12. I’ve said this many time before but these people are zealots !…..they don’t care less that Labour people were involved, they just don’t want any negative press for the tribes they fawn over ! It’s replace the white European at any cost, nothing is bigger than that…..we ain’t dealing with logical people with these politicians, we are dealing with a belief system worthy of any cult.
  13. You don’t have to have it, you’re choosing to do something else…..your mates medal will be the same size as the medal you get at the end of it all ! lol
  14. Whatever the bloke is getting, it’s lunch to an MP…..good luck to him, if they can shovel £10 million quid a day to Abdul and his gang raping friends rocking up buck shee on the beach then they can look after a British bloke.
  15. Have you seen pictures of Afghanistan ?……not exactly Isambard Kingdom Brunel and blessed with brains that lot ! lol
  16. That’s a right result for you that is.
  17. Utd are going to get gang raped at Liverpool ! In fairness, West Ham did well yesterday…..if we could finish it would have been a very different story. That said, still too many chip shop mistakes that are absolutely basic but a manager can’t do much about players with a shit first touch, who don’t want to put a foot in and who can not play a 10 yd pass !! I like that young McKenna as well, great attitude.
  18. I have massive sympathy for his family but absolutely zero sympathy for David Amess…..he very much reaped what he had sown. He would have happily seen lads saying they don’t want people like that attacker in Britain thrown into jail, he was part of the apparatus that imported them and he got a taste of what peoples children in towns and cities across that country have to deal with on a daily basis….f**k him !
  19. “Horizons Lord” ……lol…..f**k off ya bellend ! lol
  20. Let’s have it right, Our traditional industry’s, the communties they created and the pride that went with them has been systematically destroyed over generations…..our own people who have grown up with generational hopelessness didn’t ask for that !! Their grandparents and great grandparents never for one second imagined there would be nowhere left to turn for their grandchildren……they have been told they are nothing for decades, had the 3rd world held up as something to aspire too and had obstacles to getting ahead thrown in their way at every turn. They have been denied jobs, acces
  21. I watched a video yesterday by a bloke who travels round Eastern Europe doing reviews of country’s/city's etc He was in Lithuania, Vilnius to be exact……it’s beautiful !…..as in, immaculate and historic ! There was state of the art public transport, all London Red single deck bendy bus things, brand new……to ride for 30 minutes anywhere in the city is…..55 cents !……and hour…..80 cent…..maximum was €1 ! This is a former eastern block country of only 10 million people ! Guess what you didn’t see thousands of ?……. You don’t understand the scale of what a shit state we ar
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