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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Don’t mate, maybe Stiffmiester will tell you about when his boys were returning after a tour of duty I think and customs was taking fags off the lads when they landed in Blighty……I hear Jukel was the foreman making sure none of the tax dodging c**ts got away with anything ! Lol
  2. Kidnaps ?……it’s something the spades are getting into more and more
  3. Likewise mate, but then I remember the mind plays tricks on you and everything is always better in the memory than in reality……you’d be pig sick in a week flat, it about 3 days for me now then I can’t wait to f**k off again.
  4. Thank you mate, glad you took it exactly as the sentiment was intended….its just my way of speaking.
  5. I’m calling you St Jude, your patience with spastics is absolutely incredible !…..fair play to you sir !
  6. f**k me, you still bumping your gums you empty tracksuit ?…..lol
  7. I’d say the timelines are bigger but I agree with all of that otherwise
  8. That’s me done with you, I can’t believe you are so thick a shit as to not figure it out so you must just be being deliberately obtuse….. What isn’t funny however is how many people think exactly like what you have been writing, as in that is their belief system…..indeed that is the government isn’t it and has been for decades. And that folks is why we are in the state we are in.
  9. Yeahhhh…….and?……come on, you can do it, think about it ! lol
  10. Err, the 15%……it’s self explanatory
  11. To make it simple for you, about 15% at a guess.
  12. Shhh…..don’t tell Jukel…..he will put you on “Ze List” lol
  13. I know you are just doing your usual thing, but if was talking to someone serious I could see that they have absolutely no concept of the amount that gets just pissed away and what that means as a percentage of their tax ! lol
  14. “Boss, Boss….the plane, the plane “
  15. Just point me to the bit where I said taxes were not needed, once you have done that then we can talk ! lol If you can’t, you can go back to fantasy Island ! lol
  16. We are feeding the troll a bit, the fact is he don’t actually have a f***ing clue what he is on about….he is just doing his thing. At least Jukel is honest about his opinions.
  17. “Mega rich corporations” lol…..yeah, who exactly is that ? What is the cut off point ? You are probably mega rich compared to a single mum with 3 kids to bring up, maybe you should be paying a lot more….what do you think ? Or is it only “other people” ……these so called “mega rich” ? What’s the number ? 100,000? 250,000? 120,000,000 ? a billion ? My mates firm turns 120 million a year, do you know what their margin is?……between 1 & 2 % ! My pal who is a director pays about £200,000 a year in personal tax ! He employs 700 people, they a
  18. I didn’t say that, you and Jukel said other people should be made poorer and I asked why and neither of you could explain. If you don’t know, just say “I don’t know”
  19. So, no benefit then…..except to make someone else a bit poorer. Brilliant ! lol
  20. Replaced with: TB Stabbings Shop Lifting Gang “culture” Weed County Lines Rape Gangs No police (unless you are doing 33mph in a 30 zone or write some words ) I dunno mate, ringworm and outside bogs sounds like an improvement ! lol
  21. We are raising record revenue, so I’ll ask again, what will be the added benefit ?…..do you see this record revenue doing wonders in your community ?
  22. One the directors of Tax Justice is Alan Buckle…….who was I believe a CEO of KPMG ! lol Anyway, I’ll ask you the same question as I asked Jukel, what is the benefit ?
  23. When you talk about one, you talk about them all….thats how it works !
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