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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Look I mean this post in a very genuine way, dont drive yourself mad.....wipe your mouth and move on. This internet business is a funny thing with some funny characters........forget it, you will bump into him sooner or later
  2. I really dont care if the death penalty is a deterrent or not, its a good way to work through the scum....if there was a mad dog loose you would shoot it, wouldnt stop another dog going mad but hey, who gives a shit? The goverment will happily kill thousands of head of cattle without a backward glance, but say you want to blat a peado or mugger or rapist or skag head and the whole world starts crying. LOL
  3. What didnt you like about the .17?
  4. Grouse beating! Rather him than me! 28 Is a good do out matey, nice one.......do you use a .22 or one of those .17hmr? I have not shot a .17 but folks say the rounds can bounce around a bit? Done much with the wires of late?
  5. If we are asking in theory if you could have the ideal dog.....then I would have to say a big fast b*****d that dont mind hitting cover and that wouldnt pull the arse out of them.......but never havving had the good fortune to see such a task done its all just a guess.
  6. What a very interesting (and eye opening) thread.
  7. He is well known locally for his bare knuckle fighting of farmyard animals......that and being a dirty little pervist!

  8. Have you lost the use of your hands thus rendering you un-able to use the phone you f*****g idiot! LOL LOL

  9. WILF

    A face made for radio unlike myself, handsome cockney prince that I am!

  10. He vill alzo go on zee leest!......vhat iz your nime?....."Dont tell him Simo!"


  11. He likes to dress and a Ku Klux Klan outfit, attach jump leads to his balls and shock himself while singing the battle hymm of the republic, he cums real hard.......he is a ball shocking, nigger hating soprano!! Yeah Boy Yeah!!

  12. Well if thats the case then I appologise, for that type of investment it may be a good idea to get a cheap Easy Jet flight and go and see the dog work for yourself.....if your putting it into your own stuff then you cant be too careful
  13. Now I am just being honest but I think if your were serious about your dogs and the work they do you would be looking to get a line from a dog of similar breeding that you know works to the standard you require. You would be looking to use lads you know or have been recommended by trusted friends stuff.....I have a sneaky suspicion that you are looking for something that sounds like the next super-cross and the next thing will be an advert in the countryman at £300+ a pup. If I am wrong then I am sorry, but it stinks of a money making scheme to me.
  14. I get the feeling that "making the grade" wont really come into it........JMHO
  15. I have ordered your new tweed breeks for crimobo my dear!

  16. Lucky b*****d, its like a downtown Bhagdad here and clear as feck.......plus the old woman has fecked off out to see Monty Roberts run round after horses LOL
  17. ....You forget half of them are bare knuckle champs from travelling stock (16 generations ago )..........on the x-box! LOL And the question is, will Valuev be using his old stuff or his new stuff.....cause his older stuffs better you know!
  18. That monster bloke will marmalise the little black dude.........no question about it.......BUT if he was a 22tts whippet he would take down the big fella no problem according to the normal THL wisdom LOL
  19. The king messer is back and ready to mess!

  20. WILF

    New Look

    I like it.....very modern, much too modern for some of you hillbillys
  21. Now, everyone knows that she is the wrong gender and the wrong colour for you ya dirty little bender!
  22. I dont think genetics has anything to do with it, I just think shit happens..........nothing more to it that that!
  23. Fecking hell, is that mean old b*****d still alive?
  24. Its how REAL bull men do it !
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