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Everything posted by WILF

  1. His nose is bigger than Darcys......OFFICIAL!!

  2. Is that Bengali music?

  3. Feck me, they dont look like any gypsys I know ............aint them soapy feckers got a new "by-pass" to protest against or something.....LOL
  4. Do you know what mate........I absolutely agree.......so nice to see a member with good taste
  5. someone i know that has had her too said she was like a sack of spuds???? clearly your experience differs wilf, you rude rude boy She were better looking than MOO mate, lets put it that way
  6. That girl is no slouch, she knows what she is doing
  7. WILF


    Sorry, but you've just shown yourself to be very ignorant. Do you think so Malt?......I dont, its that lads own personal experience and opinion.......nothing ignorant about that mate. There is a rather rose tinted image in all of this thread but I am sure that many decent folk exist within that community..........trouble is the line between earning a living and fecking people over has become blurred (as in many walks of life and different communitys) I think what most travelling folk have to understand is that the only experience most people have of that way of life is when travel
  8. I bet you would see many of the same faces at any gay pride event
  9. I agree, there is better more modern stuff out there..............do a search.
  10. It allways makes me laugh when you see folk crying that a thread has been deleted or moved..........FFS, grow up!! Its an internet forum, who gives a feck if they put it up or take it down or whatever........folk talk like the moderators "work" for them or owe the members something......these lads just do it because they get asked to in order to keep the site running fairly smoothly. Obviously they are all queer and very ugly........... I have to ask myself, have folk really got feck all better to worry about ??
  11. If they are taking the piss on YOUR permission then you obviously aint out there enough .............
  12. WILF

    Has a signed picture of Ali McCoist on his bedrooom wall!!

  13. I have seen some pictures of the dog as has everyone.......it looked a machine and some good lads have told me the previous owner used to do a bit with it. What more is there to know and who cares.
  14. Lay off the grog Swampy
  15. Is that a picture of Johnny Blucks digging partner?
  16. It was decided that I was much too good looking to attend a show with such a bunch of ugly gimps.........didnt want to make them feel bad Plus, Shay, JD and Bucky are going more towards the show side of things and I just wanted to catch a bunnie or 2 with my dog.........
  17. £350 for the Air Ambulance is a good do JD, very worthy cause. It a good job the dogs were nice looking as no doubt the owners were very ugly indeed
  18. Aye, the report was he was on his way up Saturday for a heavy bumming session.......his host had shaved himself from head to toe and blacked up specially for the ocassion!
  19. There sure are some dirty shitcunts about SS..........what a fecking scumbag!
  20. Oh yeah, they are REAL good dogs...........he is the daddy that bloke. Last time I saw him, he was waving a shotgun around like Elmer Fudd........the terriers were no place to be seen.........probaly no bad thing LOL LOL
  21. Thats what proper surgeons cost matey, my bitches break topped up at £2800......luckily I have insurance. The specialist clinic I took her to was a hundred miles away and ALL the equipment was state of the art........you dont see kit like that in the local vets. It allways makes me laugh on here, no matter what the injury some clever c**t always knows a "bone man" who could have done it for a tenner........LOL "Head cut off"?........"My local bone man could have fixed that for a fiver"..........jokers! If I had a dog that had a bad injury and it was a good en that deserved the ch
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