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Everything posted by WILF

  1. If it is that thick blanket weed that sticks to everything like shit to a blanket then I personnally would do more than just bag my baits and hope for the best. Once the bag melts, the constant movement of water, attention of small fish and any slight pull will feck up your presentation big time.....its allmost a waste of time. In that stuff (and this is just my very humble opinion) you have got to reach for the spod rod, a nice BIG bucket of mixed particles (15-20 kg +) and 4 or 5 kilos of boiled baits and just un-load on the spot.............let the fish do the rest, after a few session
  2. In the words of the late great Frank Sinatra..........."Thats Life......."
  3. Shame on whoever gave you a fecking penny!
  4. The saddest thing is that folk are wanting to sell to/buy from this fecking scumbag!!
  5. No one has asked the most obvious and important question,.....WHAT TYPE OF WEED IS IT?
  6. I dont think £60 p/h is over the top for a professional chap........at the end of the day, if you have got to have something and thats the rate then pay or dont have it. Simple......
  7. Feck me Stiff, I was just gonna write this comment and there you are..........no pissing and moaning from you pal and I know for a fact you believed hard in what you were doing out there. Just as you said, folk come on and spout shite.......you and your oppos did a fecking job there pal, not allways easy mate and sometimes very sad but you didnt come home crying in your fecking beer. Mad Al, why dont you stick to storys about getting bummed by your uncle Fred and leave the soldiering to some real lads who have grown a set.........lads like STIFFMEISTER who I am proud to call a mate.
  8. We will get him spewed
  9. WILF

    Fox Nets

    Selwyn is cheaper and his nets are the very best.
  10. "Covered" ............. That would have to be some heavy cummer to cover him! LOLOL I am sure it would be a group affair ........
  11. That should get some quality shots of Simoman covered in jizz to send off to "Readers Boyfriends"........LOL LOL
  12. Dont get to hung up on bait.......any good food source that carp will eat and that can be purchased cheaply so that you can apply it correctly will do the trick. Remember carp can eat a LOT!.......so you need to be able to apply your bait in the correct quantitys and to do this it must be cheap! Depending on your budget, anything at £6 a kilo or less would be what I wanted to use
  13. WILF


    NO!!, I am better in my roll as an armchair idiot!!
  14. See, that is an honest post..........fair enough
  15. What is the big hang up with Plummer owners about if they do real terrier work, they were never bred to do real terrier work, they were bred to go ratting with........if you want a rat dog then you could do worse than own a Plummer. Whats the big deal with you lot, if you want an earth dog then get something that fits the bill from proven digging dogs, if you want a Plummer to go ratting with then own a Plummer........easy in it!!
  16. WILF


    It would cost a fraction of what it costs to keep them and given that a massacre is out of the question it seems to make more sense
  17. WILF


    I absolutely agree, but just like every other politician he is most likely saying what he thinks he needs to say to appeal to his core supporters........that way, he keeps his nice salary He is either very stupid or very clever..........
  18. Go out, get him absolutely fecking smashed.......get him to some seedy club........ find the dirtiest, fattest tart in there.......get her to perform all manner of perversions on him........leave him there.......go home and wait for him to turn up next day. Its the way forward
  19. WILF


    See nonsense statements like that is the reason the BNP will never amount to anything and in actual fact will harm the cause of stopping mass imigration, any right thinking country in the world will never support such outbursts. Now, if he had said escort them in, get them in a camp and onto a plane back to the country of origin within 36 hours then he may well have got some support.......but not with shite like that. JMHO, but the BNP are a joke and if brains were dynamite, they wouldnt have enough to blow there fecking hat off. People compare them to NAZIs, but to be honest Hitle
  20. Just to get a bit of perspective on this, this lad is taking a bit of a slagging yet I know plenty of people who can well afford any vets bill but still begrudge paying the money or paying to have insurance.......if this story is all kosha, then it sounds like the lad made a hasty decision when feeling a little backed into a corner.......no more, no less. Learn a lesson matey, move on and forget it.........end of.
  21. Thinking of starting your own line of Plummers girlfriend?...........each bred with one white paw like Jakcos diamond encrusted glove.......CHHAAMMON!!
  22. He just wants to take young men up the wrong un!!

  23. WILF


    You cant talk to one of the countrys premier SBT breeders like that!!.........I will have you know he has an Affix and everything you know!! And his dog has "Sir" in front of his name, as in "Sir" Fido.......... How dare you.........
  24. Feck me, I would give them a miss if I were you
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