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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF

    Strong Stuff

    Dont tell fecking lies Joe, that is a real dirty panties package and you have had to make up some story and post it on here because your Mrs found it
  2. WILF


    How is that pup doing fanny boy?
  3. Some sell becuase they too gutless or greedy to do what they should!
  4. I would dissagree with you saying to use a running lead in the weed, its not a good idea because you wont be able to shed the lead, when fishing in weed you NEED the lead to come off on the take, this is not going to happen with a running rig system ! you need to use a fixed safty bolt clip, but dont pust the lead tale on far at all. once the lead falls off ypou will be amazed the difference it can make to landing a fish, trust me on this, running rigs in weed are a big no no imo. Me and thee will agree to disagree then..........never in 25 + years have I had a problem with a running le
  5. I watched that "Wrecking Crew" dvd a couple of weeks ago for the very first time, I knew it would make me cringe but I was staying at a pals and he had it, so I thought I would see for myself. Well, what can I say!!.........its the biggest fecking joke you can imagine, a real c**ts turnout IMHO.......those 2 bull x dogs were run doubled up all the time.......one didnt need to be and the other needed a bullet! Then there was the fox run into a tree stump turnout!!!.........what a fecking joke!!........I was nearly in tears!.........OF SHAME!! If that is what it means to be out using mu
  6. WILF

    dog attack

    Lads, this Fox Destroyer is a plum or an anti at the wind up........dont bother with him anymore!!
  7. If you do away with the silicone band, it will give a better angle from bait to hook and the hook will turn better......a 40 degree bend on the eye will work better still.
  8. WILF

    dog attack

    I didnt say you did matey, but its not hard to figure out who does
  9. WILF

    dog attack

    Have a read through again Catcher.....half the storys on this thread are from folk who are: 1. Just having a wind up 2. Bullshitters 3. Thick as shite dreamers Clabstar and Fox Destroyer.....which catergory do you pair of tits fall into?
  10. WILF

    dog attack

    This fella is a fecking great criac........if that dont get a load of folk at it, I dont know what will!!
  11. 7.5ml of flavour on an EA base!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In with a shite base mix!!!!! JMHO, but these shite attractor type baits show no concern for fish welfare and are more a catch at any cost type thing. 7.5ml of EA flavour can be dangerous to fish in certain tempratures and waters........better off to get a decent food source with just 2 or 3 ml of flavour if you really want it.
  12. I have seen a decline in numbers and also the general health of Foxes is not what it once was........lots of weedy and mange ridden specimens about now. Now this is no slur on lads that use rifles, but it is hard to see what condition a fox is in from 100 + yards, at night through a scope. I was talking to a lad last week who had shot over 30 in the 10 days previous and he had no intention of stopping there. Hunting with dogs was able to be more selective when it was legal. But hey, the goverment and anti hunting groups know best!
  13. Is that why you like it? ............I do!!, and remember....it only hurts for the first inch (so they say!!)
  14. BITCH FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Its allways short and to the point with you Thomas
  16. So just to be clear, are we talking about dog training or a dog that can catch quarry on a regular basis and has that certain something to make bonus catches when some dogs maybe would not? You can train any mutt to do tricks (it may take time depending on the mutt), but you cant train any mutt to have the right mind to be up there with the very best catch dogs.........dogs that will kill quarry consistantly on all types of ground. And by the way, I dont know what makes a good dog, I know what makes ME happy, or rather I know what DONT!!........but if I knew the secret something that m
  17. WILF


    Another drama queen!
  18. Aye, break out the bitch collar Strong Stuff
  19. Err.......you have I belive
  20. No, its Selwyn Froggit after the two of them had a night out
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