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Everything posted by WILF

  1. Fecking hell.........listen to Swampy
  2. FFS, Give over! Young Tim Parrys family experienced real terror when they blew up that young boy and killed him........so dont give us all that shit! Leaving a bomb in a bin someplace to kill innocent women and children dont make any c**t a hero so lets have it right. But, its done and we need to move on.........so leave it be.
  3. All the best ladies do old chap
  4. Clarissa is a top old girl, we saw her last Wednesday mooching about looking at the hounds and looking well. Chatted to her before and she was very good to talk too.......chatting with my girls and such like. This country could do with a few more of that breeding
  5. See, I told you all..........utter bollocks
  6. What a load of old bollocks this thread is
  7. Whats really amazing (and also a little known fact) is that all the hunting in that book was carried out with Darcy wearing nothing more than a pair of soiled black leather chaps given to him as a special present from a friend of ours All the book are good value and a good read.
  8. Thank you, its just worker to worker
  9. Good on you mate hope its doing the biss.atb. Catcher 1 Its only 16 months matey so will start this season.
  10. Its name is Len and it belongs to me matey......sorry, just seen your reply
  11. The dog we were talking about pal....... Cheers
  12. 36 my arse.........56 more like! Happy Birthday matey.
  13. THE STIFFMIESTER 11/7/09 At the end of the day, Blokes are coming on here spouting nonsense about stuff they know nothing about. I dont care if you stormed argie machine gun nests at Wireless ridge, Afghanistan is unlike any war ever fought.Period. It isnt a stand up and shoot scenario, Or the running battles you assume it is on the news.. It is a constant threat to your safety, The heat saps your strength, The dust hurts your breath,Even the ground makes you uncomfortable. The country is basically medieval, It is run something along the lines of local fuedal systems where the richer
  14. never mind the icon, have you seen the threads? Just because a certain breeds gone to shite here, don't mean it's the case all over the world! Very true Maltenby, a pal of mine was in Finland last year and said they had an excellent fox terrier with them
  15. LOL, I think ol Thomas has you bang to rights Del Boy ............. YIS WILF (PMSL)
  16. no because a soldier likes going to places like iraq ,afgan its what we trained for ....but we all think the goverment is wank when 2 para went to afagn the last time they lost 13 blokes (dont know if it was 13 or 15 as i was in iraq) but 10% of the batt lost a limb thats 60 blokes..do you know the goverment /army head shed spread them out in diff hospiltals around uk in case press got hold and it hit papers. I know full well what they lost as I followed it closely, a very dear friend of mine was attached to them as a combat engineer.........had my heart in my mouth everytime a report of
  17. WILF

    The Good Life

    I like to dream up what silly topic to start next and then creep down the shed to blow off my dirty old Uncle Tom!
  18. Funny how you never seem to get soldiers come on here and piss and moan about it!
  19. And I dont mean the picture quality!
  20. WILF

    Dirty little homo!

  21. Not all folk on here own fat pets.........some people actually go out in the field and do more than take a zillion photos!
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