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Everything posted by WILF

  1. He is into heavy abuse.........especially when big Winston comes round to punish him. Screwtogether bar my arse, just get one of your minions to do the hard bit or leave to a bare chested legend!!!
  2. Fair enough, as I said Don........its no skin off my ample nose and I wasnt having a pop at the fella, but I really am of the opinion that having balls has nothing to do with what lads post or dont post........its a silly thing to say as some lads just like to keep quiet as I am sure you know. Anyway, no big deal.......all the best with the season.
  3. Its got nothing to do with balls and everything to do with brains I admit mine could be bigger than it is but if I've nowt to hide why not post? Hey, I am not having a go at you matey.......your choice so crack on, just feel that most hunts would take a fairly dim view of their business splashed all over the net, but thats just my humble opinion.
  4. Strange you feel so strongly about race but are more than happy to insult religion.........interesting, but as you see from your own post everyone is a bigot about something
  5. Wires his cock to the doorbell and then phones every take away in town!

  6. Yeah, sorry about that........I told him to be quiet!
  7. You remember my local then? Women with monobrows and large hands, what was the name of the woman you were flirting with, Dave?? Davina it said its name was
  8. Its got nothing to do with balls and everything to do with brains
  9. I see the old Methylated Spirits are on special offer again down at Simomans "local"!!!..........I told you before, stick to the orange juice!
  10. Going to try and get a day out this week if I get time Stubby, if I do any good I will drop you some in......no charge of course.
  11. As Magwitch said.........theres no excuse, not in front of kids!
  12. Eaton Class of 2001..........Winkhound is the paki at the front in the red shirt!
  13. A few quid to this fellas back pocket!
  14. WILF


    ............Huston, we have a problem!
  15. The thing I like about England is.......its not Scotland!!........................or Wales
  16. Barbour Lindhope or what ever its called..........top kit.
  17. Its only a defect if it hinders the running ability of the dog in anyway,, if it isnt a problem then why the issue. No, a defect is a defect end of..........and as I said, if your paying you may as well have good feet as bad huh
  18. The bottom line is, this dog may catch a lot of game and be an absolute legend but its feet are shite.........now this lad aint going to be offering the dogs services for free so you may as well find a good dog that has good feet if your paying, know what I mean. Why bother to breed from a dog with a defect when thier are probaly loads of equally good dogs with no defect. Simple really.
  19. Gundog Training by Moxon.........an excellent book by someone who understands dogs.
  20. I would of said biggest nose on the forum but Darcy would of taken offence Tarmacs is bigger than all of them.........and Ian is bum lord!!
  21. If you think the goverment are going to let a few lads go quietly about there business as long as they dont create too much hassle then your right, they will.......................but if you think the goverment will allow gangs of arseholes to go blasting around the countryside behaving like complete animals then they wont!! It aint big and it certainly aint clever..........these people are a cancer that will kill the rest of us off and they will simply move on to the next thing to good around at!
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