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Everything posted by WILF

  1. its a tough question. what is your genuine opinion wilf?? when are YOUR dogs proven(with out being smart)? tbh we all would love to be able to dig our terriers every week and get 60 digs a yr to each dog..but life's not like that. My honest awnser is, I have not had one and dont think I ever will..........lurcher or terrier, there is allways something more or better they could have done.
  2. Fair enough, we are all entitled to our opinion........thats an end to it as far as I am concerned. Should be one of the few interesting topics this one so we can both enjoy huh. And DEV, thats a very honest way of looking at it and an opinion that I think a lot of people could learn from.
  3. tell you what wilf if your dogs were as smart as your mouth then you could actually be worth listening too but for a man with a dodgey chocolate drop you do some mouthing so take your head out of your ass because there actually a few decent men on this site who know what there talking about you tool look forward too your reply OK, Now DeeMac because you have allways come across ok in your posts and because you were good enough to give Stevo a dog which is the mark of a right lad in my eyes, I have given you a little more respect than you gave me and sent you a pm. Right, on to my post
  4. Will this now mean that your affix or pre-fix or airfix or whatever it is changes from Banrstorm or Firestorm or Fire-eyes or whatever the feck it was to FIRESALE?
  5. Ahh, but has your dog got what it takes just on local spots where you take it all the time or has it been run all over the country on lots of differnet terrain........that in my eyes would be the true test. keep pushing the boundries, its the only way to TRULY know the awnser
  6. After 3 digs and 5 minutes......then its pups from 100% worker!
  7. Fantastic and very, very true...........well said that man!!
  8. It will get plenty of chances at the shows
  9. WILF

    Our Nick

    Why is it shameful that England was once a great empire?..........I am very proud of all that the British have done in our great (and long) history. Back when we were an empire, people viewed things in a much simpler manner or rather, they saw things for what they really were............ Anyway, back to the topic..........Matt makes a very good argument and I agree with lots of what it says, but where it all falls down is that people genuinely feel the way they say and no amount of telling them its wrong will make them feel any less alienated in their own country will it. Personall
  10. Darcy has one of these pups, send him a pm and he will tell you all about it
  11. WILF

    Our Nick

    History always repeats itself.....when you alienate the indigenous people of a country then the far right or left will naturally become more popular.......Germany in the 20,s is a prime example. Now personally I think the BNP are a bunch of complete idiots, but they will stick a flea in the ear of the normal tory/lib/lab bullshitters. Its a shame Cameron seems content to just let Brown loose the next election rather than try and win it.........anyway, should be good for a watch and if you can let Muslim extremists parade through London then you can let a legitimate political party have
  12. WILF


    Bring back The Chief ............that man would show a few folk how to use the delete button
  13. Thats most of the folk on this site fecked then!
  14. Didnt do stevies dog charlie any harm ....being as his dam was just 16month old and sire 4 year old and both never entered to fox. Infact i could go back further still..but that wouldnt help the matter. What i would say that 18 years ago if we hand'nt have bred from untested dogs then the breed would be dead now. One of the most famous plummers sid (rocky alice) eneterd by brian nuttal for paul flack served with 2 hunts dug more than any hunt terriers with both those 2 hunts sereved nothing but russelles.Yet another waste. Syd wasn't used at stud to plummers because he was shat
  15. Dirty little bender

  16. He is into heavy abuse.........especially when big Winston comes round to punish him. Screwtogether bar my arse, just get one of your minions to do the hard bit or leave to a bare chested legend!!!
  17. Fair enough, as I said Don........its no skin off my ample nose and I wasnt having a pop at the fella, but I really am of the opinion that having balls has nothing to do with what lads post or dont post........its a silly thing to say as some lads just like to keep quiet as I am sure you know. Anyway, no big deal.......all the best with the season.
  18. Its got nothing to do with balls and everything to do with brains I admit mine could be bigger than it is but if I've nowt to hide why not post? Hey, I am not having a go at you matey.......your choice so crack on, just feel that most hunts would take a fairly dim view of their business splashed all over the net, but thats just my humble opinion.
  19. Strange you feel so strongly about race but are more than happy to insult religion.........interesting, but as you see from your own post everyone is a bigot about something
  20. Wires his cock to the doorbell and then phones every take away in town!

  21. Yeah, sorry about that........I told him to be quiet!
  22. You remember my local then? Women with monobrows and large hands, what was the name of the woman you were flirting with, Dave?? Davina it said its name was
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