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Everything posted by WILF

  1. WILF


    Having gadgets wasn’t really what I was getting at……we invented most of the technology that gave them all those gadgets anyway if we are really picking the bones out of it. But that wasn’t really my point, we have been at the forefront of developing civilised social practices for century’s……I don’t think we have eaten dogs for a long time ! So I’ll say it again, we are the most developed people on the planet and we have the technical and financial and moral capabilities to do something about people having to use foodbanks !
  2. WILF


    Even though you are way better travelled than me mate, I profoundly disagree. The 3rd world will always be the 3rd world so forget them. But we are better than the 3rd world, we have access to way more resources of every description both financial and technical…..we should refuse to accept 3rd world conditions in a continent that gave the world everything. Now, while I accept you will never reach “zero”, I completely reject the notion that it has to be regarded as the norm and allowed to grow and continue in developed western nations. We are the most developed people on the
  3. WILF


    Agreed, but it still should be seen as a point of national shame rather than just written off as “just the way it is” imho
  4. If anything reading the terribly sad story’s on this thread should make you all feel like you ain’t alone. Theres story’s here that would have most men unable to stand up in the morning, crushing…..and yet ordinary every day blokes find a way to carry on. Nobody can take another blokes pain away but this thread is testiment to the fact that people just like “you” can find a way to cope and live and contribute some kindness to the world…..that’s the very best way to honour someone imho.
  5. WILF


    Yep, they have the food truck and we have food banks…..disgusting isn’t it.
  6. WILF


    Yeah, I’ve watched a few things about it over the years mate…..it’s disgusting isn’t it. I always say, America looks like all the best and all the worst of everything on one continent…….when it’s good it looks very good but when it’s bad it’s savage. Have a look at Peter Santinello as he gos round some of those old mining towns in Virginia, the poverty is almost 3rd world level…..it’s unbelievable
  7. Full “Al Jolson” make up and bingo, bed, breakfast, phone, healthcare and salary !
  8. WILF


    I don’t believe it would take you 12 hours mate, you should swim….you would do it in 2 !
  9. Mostly the folks on Liveration have made a choice, I didn’t get that feeling with this bloke at all. With this bloke I definitely sensed that he had just fallen off the edge of the world for one reason or another……he was basically what we used to term a tramp. He is the first I have seen on that channel, normally the people featured are very uptogether people who have deliberately decided to do something different.
  10. I’d say your experience is completely normal and to be embraced as such mate. Look it in the eye, shake it by the hand and understand that it ain’t staying, it’s just visiting.
  11. Did she just want to be one of the common people ?
  12. f***ing hell mate, have you approached the BBC with this story ?…….im casting it in my head as I type !
  13. Classics and poetry by the f***ing sound of it ! lol
  14. Mega City 1 …….local Bobby is Judge Dredd ! lol
  15. Don’t doubt it mate, but what Dai describes is a 30, no ifs, no buts, it’s 30 and it was a 30 forty years ago too. Be interesting, if someone had an interest in such things, to read the details and how they came up with 7 Edited to add: Sounds like I’m calling Dai a bulshitter and I’m not, I don’t know because I don’t know, it’s just a strange one and Dai probably thinks the same.
  16. WILF


    I’ve always been a big believer in your first thought is your best thought, so chances are you will hate it. Personally, it wouldn’t appeal to me one bit…..wrapped round all them people all the time is my idea of hell, maybe I’m just a miserable b*****d ! lol
  17. Maybe I have read this wrong, but are you saying (and I don’t doubt you) that a bloke got 7 and did 4 for something that’s a recommendation of 30 almost anywhere else in the land ? The shot through the front door is possibly a manslaughter, pushing the door open and giving the geezer the coup de gras is a 30 every day of the week ? As I say, I may have read it wrong and be confused so if I am I apologise.
  18. Good posts lads, one of the main reasons that when ever you get a sense a person is a moron they are to be avoided…..morons are like a black hole, they will suck in everything from a certain distance and f**k it up.
  19. Straight outta Cwmbran ! lol
  20. Good post, beasts mate…..hideous f***ing fat wretches !
  21. You probably wasn’t spending your Saturday mornings having mugs of tea with old lags ! lol
  22. Not if she gets you first ! lol
  23. The best cook report was when he hijacked Jonny Palmer on the pavement and Palmer just said “be seeing you Roger” ! lol
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