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WILF last won the day on March 3

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About WILF

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    The "Memphis" of shooting

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    An Englishman abroad......

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  1. I agree, I certainly never witnessed any of it much less be involved in it and my pal is younger than me ! lol
  2. For me, a funny fad of late is this casuals/football hooligan thing middle aged blokes who like football seem to be trying propagate……my pal seems to be into it, bless his heart, he probably chooses to ignore the fact some of us remember he would dive under the table if it went off somewhere when we was young things ! lol The only difference between him at 22 and him now is that he has no hair and wares a corset to keep his beer gut in check ! lol
  3. Given the fatality rate round your way, I’d say they haven’t gone far enough ! lol
  4. That has to be a fake photo, where are all the darkies that held us together and won the war for us ?
  5. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    Have you noticed that when faced with actual real intelligent conversation you just descend into absolute f***ing nonsense ?…..I have, as they say, empty vessels make the most noise
  6. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    I think he is talking about indigenous people…..but you knew that……or did you ?
  7. The clothes thread got me thinking, what happened to sub-culture ? I know you are seeing a resurgence amongst old blokes of the sub cultures of their youth but it’s not something you see with young people anymore ?…..least not in the same numbers. What happened to mods, skins, casuals, goths, punks ?…….has anything replaced them ?
  8. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    I don’t believe a word any of them say…….i just say what I see and make a judgement based on what I know. Some things we know, like how our own European governments operate and their aggressive agenda against their own people, their failing model of government, their ever increasing greed for other people’s money, their ever decreasing value in civil liberty’s and free speech……and some things we don’t know. What I don’t buy is the simplistic narrative of “Europe good, Russia bad” because we absolutely know that Europe isn’t “good”
  9. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    But you are implying that the deeds have all the same reasoning and so should all be treated in the same manner…..which is clearly a bit silly The Russian reason for invading Ukraine is a million miles away from the Germans reason for invading Poland or Russia or France……and so it follows that it may require different tactics to put an end to hostility’s
  10. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    There is absolutely no comparison with the socio/economic situation between Russia 2025 and Germany 1936…..none ! The only comparison that can be made is with the Sudetenland, the Anschluss and Alsace Lorraine…..who in fact wanted and celebrated the German annexation of those areas…..same as Russian areas of Ukraine. There’s a strong argument that Europe (including the U.K.) more closely mirrors the conditions of 1930s Germany than Russia ever does……
  11. WILF

    Trump Ukraine

    No…..I couldn’t think of a less worthy cause to risk young lads lives on.
  12. I get a feeling you have completely missed the point of my post, but I understand your point.
  13. These are the type of beasts we are welcoming and paying £7 million a day to keep…… :WARNING: This is terrible ! Sudan civil war: One-year-olds among those raped, UN says WWW.BBC.COM Children as young as one have been subjected to horrific sexual violence, a UN report finds.
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