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About oldman

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Yeah I wondered why that ped came online a few years back, assumed he must be still selling dogs.
  2. Loads good looking bulldogs! heres my old girl princess, died this time last year at 16. heres her dads Ped can’t find her mums at the min: http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/modules.php?name=Public&file=printPedigree&dog_id=508064
  3. I've got a rapid I'd concider selling not used it for a while pm me if interested and I'll sort some pics out.
  4. Probably not, dogs loose teeth all the time.... Thought so. I don't think shes noticed.
  5. My Dog has just lost a front lower tooth on the bottom jaw while playing on a rope swing. Its only one of the little ones and looks like its come all the way out not snapped. Is there anything I need to do to help prevent infection and help it heel more quickly.
  6. Whats going on with the waterloo cup this year is it going to be staged abroad or not at all. Gutted that last years was my first and looks like it will be my last.
  7. Should hedgehogs be hibinating now? Ive just come home and found one on my door step. I had to move it so it it didn't meet my dog as I don't think they would have got on. Anyway I left it in some cover a couple of minutes from my house. It didn't seem to active don't know if it was just scared or ill. Just wondered if it should be sleeping at the moment. Thanks
  8. Has anyones dog ever caught any illnesses from rats? What was the outcome? Is it common?
  9. Theres an article about hunting with bedlingtons in march 10ths 2005 countrymans weekly.The guy who writes it doesn't seem to impressed with them but thats only one persons veiw. If you can't find a copy of the mag and you want one let me know and I'll send you mine.
  10. Anyone used a tr robbkit are they any good?
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