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Great White Hunter

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Everything posted by Great White Hunter

  1. A dog that i had up until last year russell x lakeland x bull i think it was about 1/8th
  2. Nice dog you got there scent is he a full wire fox terrier
  3. also sat shaking my head the german sheperd could hardly walk never mind run then the guy said that todays sheperd was a better fitter dog . unreal
  4. Might be in the area around the time of the galloway game fair is it worth going too . would there be much about working dogs etc
  5. anyone see the One Show tonight they where watching deer and then she saw a pair of foxes did anyone think that one of them had mange Might be wrong but the tail looked like it had no hair
  6. A mates pat bitch used to have fits they found out the glands in the back passage was infected and this brought it on when it went to go
  7. It was tough going all day i was alot higher than the stone was a great day though see you next year around our patch hope we can hunt up there again
  8. Last hunt just a few pics we had a bad morning but a good afternoon with hounds hunting well and putting one to ground which bolted and hunted to ground a second time which we left to run again
  9. not great photos but the\only ones i have on this PC
  10. A few year ago we dug 11 foot in very sandy soil this set of holes have been dug alot of time over the years with 6 foot being the deepest . To help get the soil out we lowered a bucket down with a rope .
  11. England out of Europe South Africa beat England in World Cup Final . Lewis hamiltion does not win Formula one Carlsberg dont do weeks ...........
  12. will watch out for them tomorrow morning on the road to belfast when is the best time to se them
  13. Oldskool I could not figure out how to Post Pics to your PM so Here they are
  14. The walker in the pics is a two dog the partition is not in the photo but he also makes 3 & 4 dog machines . In my line of business we do conveyor parts so i supply my mate with most of the parts and he welds up the frame and fits the parts . the belt is a PVC belt with a friction resistant bottom which can be expensive I think the belt in the picture is £200.00 . There is a frequency converter linked to the motor which controls the speed it will do a good steady run i guess about 10 to 15MPH top speed He sells about 10 to 15 unit a year the one in the pic he sells for £11
  15. Couple of lads PM me for some pics
  16. My Otterhound bitch is about to pup the only dog that could have got at her was my young greyhound any body know what a pup out of this breeding would be like . as i might keep a pup on her . I know that some people had Foxhound x greyhound breeding before and where good dogs .
  17. Just Got back from a delivery to a customer about 20 miles away I noticed ont the way there alot of Badgers and foxes on the side of the road . On the way back i counted them there was 16 badgers and 4 foxes and a few rabbits . On one part of the road there where 4 badgers within 300 yards , anybody else notice an increase in road kill at this time of year
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