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Everything posted by nastybilly

  1. iv got four coming up on friday stainlee .lol..i do me bit to help them out..lol
  2. perish the thought of you runnin about in the scud sandy..lol..and all i can say is its about time we had a program as bias as that for us lot..lol..but i doublt that will ever happen..
  3. oh i dont think theres anything wronge wi them they just want to be scottish
  4. do you think geordies want to be scottish there always up here and copy our language
  5. exactly and im expressing mine and if its a nature programe maybe he can keep his bastardo nose out of demeaning and critasising hunting or havnt you noticed that about him...he should stick to what he knows and he was the one mention killing animals the twatt does it week in and week out so i'll be picking him up on it what he spouts his daft hunting propaganda
  6. i know they do i could show you the picturs but there a bit to graphic for here ..and as far as culling deer goes anyone with half a brain can see why thats needed even him, thing is he cant see why in some areas so do badgers and fox thats what i mean about him being an arrogant barsteward ..hes very seletive and what he wants to see culled its the chris way or noway
  7. thers loads round the moffat greymairs tale area hags mate
  8. you could be [bANNED TEXT] there sandy... ..lol and i dont like chris rfyl appart from being an antie hes an arrogant barsteward ...i mind watching a program about i woman that was having her lawn torn apart by badgers and the advice given to her by packham was chuck some peanuts on her lawn buy a bottle of wine and sit and enjoy them the badgers i mean not the nuts and wine ..lol..hes in total denial about badgers and the damage they do to live stock and land and trys to pass this missinformation on to gullable folk ..i dont deny he knows a thing or two but probly no more than your aver
  9. pish ya self ..lol..just coz your an extreme hunter..
  10. put it this way pal...with the greatst of respect.....if they never. what was there alternive
  11. by the wa u d that was a pure lie ..lolol
  12. heros everyone ,..unlike the cuunts that start wars of relgion and money but thats the way it is ..whos the ones that suffers ..have a think on thathttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lE-YjjZhwc
  13. keeps me in mind of the time i shot a pheasant wi me catty and it landed on a rabbit and it jumped up and hit branch on a tree by the river and it snaped off and killed a salmon..and if that salmon had have jumped any higher it might have killed the super dooper emperor sized stag [bANNED TEXT] was just passing
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