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Everything posted by nastybilly

  1. as above pm for details please this is in the scottish borders broughton biggar area
  2. yes its in the borders of scotland and its full of a/holes there mate so im well used to it..lol
  3. duck and pidgeon shooting available pm for details
  4. If you had robbed a bank the night before would you go on the Internet and boast about it the next day..... it would surprize you how many did and ended up locked up cause of it..lol
  5. the young guns always want to show off with pictures videos of what there dogs have done, thats always gona happen on a site that was intended to discus lurchers, hopefully the ones with more brains than brawn will learn from a thread like this, after the ban the real dogmen stopped posting about what they were doing and some even stopped doing it, its not easy for the hard of thinking to get to grips with not being able to post pics of what they do but its up to the modys to pull them aside and have a word and i know its not easy with all the posts that come up on this site but arguing about
  6. as long as it wisnae her brother mate iv not got a problem with it and i'll still speak to you.. ...lol
  7. aye! couldny find the pc ether mate..lol ...
  8. xqww.............lost my specs again
  9. pigeon shooting avalable now, and some duck shooting come this years season ..pm for details please
  10. got these two in a wee planting up the hill and my mate got two dog fox but never got picures of the foxes
  11. hes down in scunny benny last i herd from him mate, his mam wasnt keeping to great i'll drop him an email in fact i'll pm you his addy bud im sure he'll be chuffed to hear from you but not sure if hes got accsess to a pc..
  12. surjit singh chhokers lawer aamer anwar is a puplicity seeker and tried to base the case on racisim on 2 occasions and on 2 occasions it was held that there was no racict intent, hes trying to say it like the steven lawrance thing but its not nore never came near to being like it so i dont know why they keep bringing it up look more in depth into the case and you'll see where he blunderd it he was to busy with his own ego and not enough in the real facts ..a proper t. wat in other words he also brough forth a case against one of the accuseds step fathers based on him be racict and that was h
  13. if anybodys an arrogant c**t its cameron ...mind hes got a good scots name an thats about all thats good about him i liked the qout ...more pandas in scotland than tories..lolololol
  14. by the way stu im an unemployed welder but i have done some building labouring giz a joab ..aww shit iv iv not got a cscs card so thats me had it again.lol..
  15. very interesting stu and i can tell by your posts thats your a very knowlegable guy its plain to see that and a helpful one to, i dont think we differ all that much really and im not knocking the DMQ1 as such i think its right you should know a bit about what you want to shoot or kill so you can do it with as much skill and compedance as possible its just bthe price hikes i have issus with and they keep climbing i think if you do something you love doing and do it well it should be passed on as cheaply or cheeply ..( i dont know whats the birdy one ) as possable as you do stu and you are to be
  16. sorreeeeeeeeee that was my fault i read it wrong ..whoooops but it got you talking .lol..anyway can you tell me after passing level 1 how much it costs for your portfolio and how long its valid for... ie how much time do you have to fill it ..is it 3 years and if so and you dont have time or money to fill it do you have to pay for another after a certain time period ........thanks for putting me right caps i just heard it wrong mate and what it is iv got a buddy wants to go for his level 2 now to gain accsess on to land that is only open to level 2 holders only but like a lot of folk hes not
  17. can anybody give me 3 good reasons that after taking the time and spending good money on passing your level 1 that if you dont pass your level 2 inside 3 years you have to resit your level 1 again ..is it that they think your not clever enough to remember all you learned when you passed the first time you forget it all.lol..or is it just a way of squeezing a bit more money out of you
  18. i totaly agree with you foxdropper in everything you say ..and well said too iv been lucky enough to have a good landlord that lets me shoot over thousands of acres for free, i wish there was more like him about. i dont have any qualifications except my creadabilty built up over the years and have been dead set against the robbing of the less better of for what should be given or shared, after all novicies learn from the expierianced and that should be your qualification ..after all someone whos never pointed a rifle at a deer can do if they pass a level one ..i just dont get it ..lol oh and y
  19. dont worry caps i'll get ya back..lol...only jokin mate its nice to see the art of conversations not dead..but i wish youd stop using them big words im fed up running for the dictionary ..lol
  20. sorry to hear that martin hope it heals soon mate and your back out amoung them ....and thanks lads i shot it for a friends freezer ..lol im lucky enough to have a few thousand acres and some other patches round about me where i can shot as many as i like really, there had been 2 id been watching from my back door over the burn from me in a wee patch of woods, theyd been there for a coupls of months but unfortuneatly it was one of the few patches i never had permission but then for a couple of days i never seen them and then seen the pair on my side of the burn ..happy days.lol...me and my ma
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