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About davey869

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 25/09/1983

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  1. Rio getting more confident now joe?
  2. Hi I'm after a set up for shooting pigeons and wondering if anyone has a rotary machine decoys,hide etc I live in Surrey/Sussex area so don't want to travel to far So if anyone can help me please message me or reply to this post Thanks for reading
  3. I wouldn't under estimate any animal. I saw this and was amazed
  4. That's the thing you can get wild mink that would not bite you and a fur farm mink that will be very aggressive they are all diffrant and its also the way you approach them you never go to them let them come to you and get them to trust you and you will eventually have them licking meat and blood off your hands. The babys are best when they are very young and you have to bottle feed them for around a week I think and they bond with you and see you as its mother They are so intelligent that's what makes them such good survivors
  5. Yeah I got the minkenry book and have regular contact with joe who wrote it
  6. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/299922-i-hunt-with-mink/
  7. You need a licence to keep mink which I have got and you also need a licence to keep grey squirrel aswell as its not a native spieces You can harness them like ferrets and have on a long retractable lead and they will swim and hunt fish It took me many years of research to be able to keep a mink and a bit of money for the right spec enclosure and there's alot more to mink than ferrets that most people don't know or understand.
  8. Yep your probably thinking I'm mad lol I got one mink already
  9. A mink will drag its catch all the way to where it lives and they sometimes store it in there burrow with there other kills and eat it later if foods there they will kill it and take it or they kill it and come back for it later
  10. If anyone is live trapping any mink in West Sussex or Surrey area please contact me
  11. Hi joseph What about the mink you send in the chicken shed and the mink doesn't take any notice of the chicken around him and he gos straight to the rat and puts it in the carrier? Haha just seen it on the other page silly me. That is amazing what you can do with a mink
  12. I have 5 polecat crosses 1 hob and 4 jills they are 8 weeks old and ready to go and have been handled.I live in surrey right next to gatwick airport and if anyone is intrested send me a pm or call 07753165383,Thanks Dave
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