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Everything posted by witton

  1. If this fog doesn't clear we wont be lamping tonight lads
  2. Yeah it was a good day.....The rabbits that bolted didn't really stand a chance of getting caught in woodland.....especially the ones on that very steep banking....i could see dogs breaking there necks running down that around all the trees and drop offs. Shame that calf wasn't a roe really did look like one tho didn't it from all that way standing grazing in the turnip field feck knows where it came from... Next monday will be a good do mate Looking forward to showing you the older bitch run Witton
  3. Made interesting reading?!? F*ckin hell, Witton; I've just Completely lost myself in there for an entire, long night and have yet hardly scratched the surface! What a bloody Site! Ay ditch it certainly does mate I think this taxidermy lark is would be a good thing for you to turn your hand to mate Would make for some interesting write ups Cheers big bulls Iv actually got my mum picking me some up tomorrow That allum salt stuff from what iv read seams to do a similar job to salt....still leaves the mask very stiff.....i like the meth idea and after reading up on it am going
  4. Gona get some borax powder n get a fox mask curing aswell Witton
  5. That would be greatly appreciated mate Witton
  6. http://www.taxidermy4cash.com/modern.html Another link I really like the birds with a kill I like the idea of a fox about to pounce on a rabbit or bird....i think that would look interesting Alcohol and Turpentine Tannage This method is perhaps the easiest for small fur skins and has been used successfully on rabbit and squirrel. Use a large-mouthed gallon jar with a screw top. Place in it enough wood alcohol and turpentine in equal parts to cover a small fur skin. A half pint of each would be sufficient for a squirrel or rabbit skin. Shake or stir the solution each day, because t
  7. http://www.taxidermy4cash.com/taxidermyhousekeeping.html That made interesting reading Will have to get some borax powder... Want to have a go at a bird aswell Im thinking a bird wont take as long to cure....in theory anyway. Witton
  8. How long would borax powder take to cure it? Iv cured skins with salt before but they take a long time to dry out propa and go stiff.....would need something to rehydrate it after i would think Witton
  9. No probz mate....im gona really stick at it, its interested me for years just never got round to trying due to not having someone to show me.....so decided to go for it and just learn my self Witton
  10. Cracking pair of dogs mate Nice bag aswell Where doing abit of ferreting tomorrow Should get sum decent pics Witton
  11. Cheers mate Anyidea how to cure em? if this one doesnt work out its alright but if i can find out how to cure em ill get a fresh one skinned Witton
  12. Anyone ever tryed skinning a hares head? Iv gave it ago.....iv stuck it in sum salt at the min...only really did it to see how hard it is to skin a mask.... What could i use to cure it? Iv seen people using meths for fox tails.......could i use meths for this? I don't care if it goes wrong....just pissing about really. Would be good if it works tho...Come on lads get laughing lol Not bad for someone that didnt n hasnt got a clue lol Witton
  13. Ermm we get plenty but not enuff lol Thats why were moving to skipton What do you run? pm me if you preffer mate Witton
  14. Didnt see your reply mate....no worries them pups of your look crackers Cant go wrong there The whippet should add that fireyness I like a bit of whippet in a dog Witton
  15. Bit slow arnt ya lads lol Just ask on the forum She was bred by a mate....don't know of any litters around at the moment. Just stick a thread up asking some one might be able to help There a good cross tho Would of liked mine to of been abit more bully....but she will do the job Witton
  16. That dogs back end looks very under weight That doesn't ooz power at all.....I wouldn't run that dog in that condition.... Put that behind a good hare and your going to be carrying it off the fens... Witton
  17. They had a couple of rabbits???? How old are they
  18. Cheers mate... thanks for the pm aswell nice speaking to you Witton
  19. Get some pics up mate would like to see this Witton
  20. The pup would make a good team with my young bitch
  21. Bear always throws big pups like himself....its horses for courses but these pups could be good. Bear is very game....we have had him out and he deffinatly does his job...He kils fox's like a terrier with a mouse....No messing about. And before the ban is the fastest iv ever seen a dog kill a pig We have ran and caught fox on the lamp with the old dog....which says a lot because fox arnt exactly slow on the lamp with a dog up there arse. Everyone has there own opinions on the littler but its all horses for courses.....at certain jobs these pups will be good. I have to say i don't like collie
  22. Nice dogs mate Is eve a litter mate to your dog jay? Witton
  23. Iv herd about them 2 mate If its the same bloke Witton
  24. PUP :wallbash: And that could be someones pet or future worker.......so whippet boy would you keep it if it was good with out trying to rehome it? Some kids could be crying over....angierooke your doing the right thing You know how hard it is when you loose a dog Witton
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