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Everything posted by witton

  1. whats that thing on the bottom left of the top pic?
  2. I went out for another shine last night tomo after i gutted them rabbits and sorted the ferrets out. I only caught one but it was worth going for the fresh air after 2-3 hours in the back of your van :11: My head was spinning when you droped us off :11: Thanks again mate it was a top day Im gong tonight to try a new spot i found that holds a fair amount of rabbits for round here. Its a risky spot so im going to get there for about 2-3am. And im going to that place you told me about down that railway probably tomorow or maybe sunday. Thanks David
  3. Alright mate, im in two mind wether to take the dog out aswell David Anyway my minds made up im of out for a shine
  4. :11: im only a we lad and ay i carried 8 :11:
  5. :11: And where was you when this was happening? oh yeah untangleing yourself from the long net after going arse over tit trying to dive onto a rabbit before it hit the net :11: And where was you when me and tomo gutted all the rabbits ay? sat on your arse warming yourself next to the stove :11: David
  6. Total wanker the prick needs shooting hope he gets the dog back fella David
  7. Today really was a great day out Thanks TOMO Nobby its a shame you couldnt make it it would of been good to meet you again Dont worry about the digging being hard work were top diggers arnt we tomo :11: Thanks again mate it really was good to get out. Tara is a cracking ferreting dog, especially for her age i really was surprised especially when she pulled out that rabbit we would of left it if it wasnt for her. And the scenery was excellent 42 rabbits and it was only 2 of us doin the work, arron was to busy playing with his camera :11: he only got one bit of mud on him and that was when
  8. yes thats where his name came from i thought that series was spot on It certainly was mate I couldnt get enough of it when it was on:11:
  9. Cracking pics!!!!!!!! David ps dont forget to keep em comeing :11:
  10. Looks like a jack russel :11: not really, its a cracker mate is it a first cross? David
  11. Nice one mate Whats the breeding of the big white dog? looks a strong fast type David
  12. If your after a russel mate talk to chris hickling he is very experianced with digging to russels and might even be able to point you in the right direction for a pup from working lines David
  13. Nice one mate im going to try and get some runs on them bigger rabbits tonight
  14. But when im on my own and she catches its hard to get the rabbit off her, hold her away and neck it and then put it in a bag with out her grabbing hold of it and ripping into it
  15. My bitch wont stop mouthing dead rabbits Its a pain in the arse, once iv got the rabbit off her she just keeps jumping up and grabbing hold of it while its in my hands. I dont want to hit her or shout at her in case it puts her off. Is there a way around this? Thanks David
  16. Its not allways that simple when uv got a dog kicking, twisting and turning trying to pull away from you, catching the quick is easy done.
  17. I just leave it for the dog to lick, but iv hered you can push a bar of soap against the nail or dip the nail in corn flour
  18. NO!!!!! :11: wait................not 7pm 9pm :11:
  19. Your lucky to get 2 round here but i dont care im still out most night, its getting out that counts
  20. I went out last night and walked for miles for 6 runs, and 4 were at partridge :11: I left at 9 and got back for 3am. Kids with air rifles have almost killed off my local ground Its only good for hare but seen as there is a ban i leave them well alone I got the one buck after a good run on a very long slip, i was surprised she got it. She ran it out of the beam and got it on the other side of a bank. Anyway here is is, sorry for the bad pic
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