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Everything posted by witton

  1. She was bred out of a bull grey bitch and a saluki grey dog Im not sure about the parents influence on her looks? What do you think burnie69? David
  2. Iv got 3 lurchers (1 is a pup) a terrier and a staff David
  3. Welcome to teh group mate David PS Did you eat the rook?
  4. Iv decided to call the new girl bracken David
  5. Cracking pics mate, whats the breeding of the top dog with the buck? David
  6. Whats the best way to enter a dog on deer?
  7. burnie who is tb? Did you breed tina? My pup eats like a horse :11: All she does is eat and sleep when she is in the kennel, But when you open the door she is straight out and either play fighting with the terrier or trying to suckle on my old staffy bitch :11: She has been a pleasure to kennel David
  8. Have you got a link to that right up mate? I wouldnt mind reading it David
  9. It cant rattle, the spring clip is very stiff so no free movement and the weight from the rabbits pulling down on the clip stops any rattleing. If that makes sence :11: Those clips nobby makes are spot on Tomo had one when we was ferreting. David
  10. Sorry to here that mate how did it happen? David
  11. I was thinking along the lines of fallow slayer :11:
  12. Nice looking double act mate Were they ever ran on deer before the ban? David
  13. Thanks Ill pop up one day soon Ill let you know the day before
  14. Here is my pup i got today, she is six weeks old and is bull/greyxsaluki/grey. She was tearing around the garden as soon as i got back with her. She seems to be a very forward pup. The fireworks arnt haveing any effect on her she is just sleeping right through all the noise Iv got high expectations for this bitch and she will be well tested David
  15. You owe me a copy of every dvd you sell, i want them asap. Or im emailing sporting days and grassing you up One thing, when we did that deal, well iv just noticed that you gave me lamper 3 twice so iv only got 1.3.4 could i swap one of the lamper 3's for lamper 2?
  16. Sounds like the same person :whistle: David
  17. Well with your pup in about 7 months time atleast i would say
  18. witton


    That white dog is a minter A really powerfull fast looking dog David Towzer what do you feed your dog mate? David
  19. Have you done much digging with it mate? It doesnt look very comfortable on the hands. David
  20. Nice one mate Tara is a cracker
  21. My bitch was put under once a week for 4 weeks to have a cast changed on her leg it hasnt effected her at all Dont worry mate its nothing to worry about David
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