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Everything posted by witton

  1. Give her a sharp tug every time she pulls even if its only slightly, she will soon learn. David
  2. Now that would be a true testing quarry for a lurcher :11:
  3. Nice one nobby I was out today and only got 2 :11: Still it was nice to be out David
  4. My mum had a blue whippet years ago that was only 16 inch to the shoulder, it was a runt from a litter my dad bred it got rejected by its mother so my mum hand reared it and ended up keeping it in the house as a lap dog :11: David
  5. witton

    Lurcher print

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Pool-Table-DOG-PRINT...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BRAND-NEW-SNOOKER-PO...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Quality-Dogs-Playing...1QQcmdZViewItem
  6. witton

    Lurcher print

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WORKING-DOG-PRINT-FO...1QQcmdZViewItem This ones better :11:
  7. witton

    Lurcher print

    Who would want an art deco lurcher print??? David wait just looked again it is advertised as art deco lol it certainly isnt art deco.
  8. Very nice pup mate That blue might just turn red, iv hered thats pretty comman with blue pups turning red and your allreadylooks abit red. Good luck with her David
  9. Mine get a mix of rice and pasta with there meat and they are doing well on it, if the dog has an allergy then obviously i wouldnt feed pasta but if they havent then why not? David
  10. you would have to ask slippy only seen dam and she was a belter like i say sure sire was a furry duck :11: :11: :11: GOod luck with her mate David
  11. feck me they do 50 quid minimun order where am i supposed to store 50 quids worth of frozen dog meat :11: David
  12. Whats the breeding of your pup? I wish my lurcher would swim, she hates water :11:
  13. My 9 week old pup is in the shed with no heating and she is fine. Dont worry about it mate just give her plenty of bedding to keep warm. You could allways fill up a bottle with hot water and put it under a blanket in her bed if you wanted to but its certainly not needed. David
  14. Very clean looking rabbits mate David
  15. http://www.landywoods.co.uk/ how much is delivery? They look cheap David
  16. whta are they like on foxes hares etc or larger qaurry whitton as rabits are only one part of a lurchers artilllery etc before the ban I couldn't tell you mate, iv only seen the dog run rabbits but i know that if there wasnt a ban she would do the buisness on hare. Look back and you will see tomos post showing that tara did 46 rabbits in a night, and she is only 15-16 months old. Obedience wise she will do anything asked of her. I havent got a clue how she would handle fox, But koru wants a dog for general obedience and lamping rabbits, you really cant go wrong with a kelpi cross. Im
  17. I never said all collie cross lurchers stalk, read it again and you will see that i only said that all the collie crosses iv seen run stalk there quarry.
  18. witton


    welcome to the forum :welcomeani:
  19. Excellent dvd all tho it would of been better to see some deer caught in the open instead of bouncing off fences, i know thats how 90% of the deer caught by lurchers are because of fences and other obsticles but its still nice to see a proper course resulting in a fair catch. Other than that it really is a great dvd full of action and a must see for anyone with even a slight interest in lamping fox. David
  20. Is there any roe in nottingham? I only know of a wild herd of fallow. Also is there muntjack in nottingham? Im very fond of observing deer and would like to find some other deer species local. Iv managed ot get very close to the local fallow, i was about 15 yards from a mature buck the other day it was very impressive Thanks David
  21. Look on google, its sika by the way mate http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=...F-8&sa=N&tab=wi David edited to add there is a good population in the new forest and in the south-east of dorset
  22. They both look like they are kelpi cross to me. Very nice strong looking dogs David
  23. I got one of them bulbs from hysongreen and its spot on i just need to tighten the beam up. I used it last night and it done the buisness just took a while to get used to the shorter beam after useing that big lamp for so long. David
  24. For me after seeing tomo's kelpi cross run i would go for the kelpi cross, im not into dogs that stalk squatters and every collie cross iv seen does this. In my opinion kelpi crosses do everything a colli cross does but better They have endless stamina, brains, feet, coat and thick wrists For me they are the ideal rabbiting dog. David
  25. I tryed that, i striped the metal caseing off the bulb and put it in but the beam is really wide, its to wide to use and iv tryed moveing the holder but it just makes it wider......... How can i tighten the beam? It was a brand new 50w headlight bulb and it fits perfectly but is dim and wide David
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