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Everything posted by sarg1

  1. if its a river, trout lie in particular areas in the flow. They don,t move to far, as food comes to them on the current, so just watch for a while and they will give them selves away. On still waters like dams, resivoirs, trout have to keep swimming to pass water over there gills, so they dont stay in one area. Certain areas will hold fish more than others, such as sunken roads, hedges, drop off ect, but the wind plays a big prt on still waters. It may be blowing flies onto the water or pushing rising pupae to another shore. Most of all you have to use your eyes and learn about the water your
  2. watch for fly life, bird life and wind mate, its called water craft. Spend a bit of time before fishing looking around first, fish will give them selves away, then ask yourself why are they there and why are they doing that, then you will understand them better puting yourself in a better position to catch em. Good luck and tight lines
  3. also advise worming them if you hadn't already. Plus check for red mite. Both of these can effect egg laying
  4. Cracking pics. I think they are of the crab spider family
  5. I wish you wer closer mate. looking for a 3/4 whippet puppy with no bull. But i am in Devon
  6. Thanks everyone for the welcome
  7. Hi all, thought i would say hello, I am 35, origanate from Exmoor, but now near Newton Abbot, Devon. I was a fish farmer, but now a Hetas engineer. I am a fly fisherman, carper, whip-in for a local pack of Beagles when i can, am a keen bee keeper. I use to train springer spaniels up till 4 years ago( had 13 of them, mostly wivenwood affix) but then had to move house so havent any spaniels now. I am looking at getting a dog, probably a whippet or whippet cross to get out mooching and ferreting again this year. I loved the spaniels but we now have a small house and the wife wants a dog inside an
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