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Everything posted by billbroon

  1. Hi guys im looking for the above in 50 grain vmax. Anybody know of anyone that sells it in fife. How good are the compared to the federal powershock i just got. Thanks. Biily
  2. Its my first centrefire so ive nothing to compare ot to but it seems great. It was the best deal i saw, got the whole lot for £600 and the gun was meant to be new. Lets hope it stays faultless when a get more rounds through it. Billy
  3. picked up my rws 89 in .222 last night. Got a wildcat sound moderator and scope for it. Well, zero'd scope after work and had a quick shine when the sun set. Called in 2 foxs and one dropped stone dead to a federal 50grain sp at about120yrds. couldnt be more happy with the gun. Thanks
  4. Cheers guys, its a parker hale one thats on it. Will dive them a try and see what happens.
  5. Can hv's damage a silencer on a .22lr, i know a silencer dont do much to make them quieter, just heard they can damage it. Whats your views. Thanks
  6. Woke up this morning about 6:00am, clear sky's and sun already bright in the sky i decided to go out and see if i could get some ferret food. Parked my car up, colard up the ferrets, got a pocket full of catridges and of i went with my springer spaniel and shotgun in hand. Ended up with 3 rabbit for an hour Never seen no young but they were quite hard to bolt but, the ferrets worked like troopers and Duke retrieved to hand like a pro for a change. It was good to get out and get the ferrets some exercise before the coming season. Thanks Billy
  7. Aye mate, gauranteed to put your catch rate up by a 100% lol. Post now edited to say 10 purse nets for £25. Thanks for noticing or a would be none the wiser.
  8. I have the above, £25 posted. Cheers
  9. Ive got a friend who shoots 28grm 7 1/2's on full choke and ive seen him hitting 10 out of 10 pigeons at 30 plus yards and all been stone dead. Depends on the gun whos using them and how confident you are !! Billy
  10. Thanks. Wont bother working him this weekend, will give him plenty rest and if its not any better by next week will take him to the vet. It doesnt seem to have upset him that much he's still as hyper as ever. Billy
  11. Right guys, was out walking my dog Duke on monday night and he jamp a 4ft fence which had a bit of a drop on the other side but managed it perfect, well so a thought. The last couple of days ive now noticed that when he's sitting or standing he's always lifting his left front foot, he is fine when walking and running about like usuall its just when he's stopped. Ive had a feel about and he doesnt seem stressed when i am so im puzzled. Whats your view, muscle damage maybe. Im giving him a few days rest and will be taking him bushing rabbits on sunday, but if hes not any better will be vets mond
  12. You can shoot roe deer up here mate with a .222
  13. Well guys i have a microscope, its in quite good condition for being over 25 year old comes with added light. if your interested i will put pics up. Looking for £40 posted open for swap just pm me with offers thanks
  14. Your local firearms office mate, adress should be on the application.
  15. Cheers guys. Wouldnt want to chance it myself. Thanks
  16. Theres a bunch of older guys who have the syndicate shoot on the bottom half of the estate, we take nothing to do with it. 3quarters of the birds you bring will still be alive next year. Think last season the shot 30 out of 600 lol. Once they die out we will be taking over. What time you dropping the poults of at, maybe nip down if a get a chance. Wheres your game farm in kenoway about, never new there was one.
  17. Theres a buch of older guys who have the syndicate shoot on the bottom half of the estate, we take nothing to do with it. 3quarters of the birds you bring will still be alive next year. Think last season the shot 30 out of 600 lol. Once they die out we will be taking over. What time you dropping the poults of at, maybe nip down if a get a chance. Wheres your game farm in kenoway about, never new there was one.
  18. Work at balcaskie estate, estate worker/ gamekeeper. Working with the keeper from another estate at the past year trying to get grey patridge numbers up. YOU ?
  19. Originally from Cardenden but stay just outside Kennoway now mate, yourself?...... Leven but moving along to my work in about 2 months along the coast onces the got my cottage ready.
  20. re-center the crosshair then try again. Just count the clicks till your back at start then click back till your half way then thats it centered !
  21. Whee about in fife you from lab ?
  22. Just as title says, who lets there dogs pick up corvids. Ive got a friend who says he never lets his springers pick them up just incase if there not dead they will go for the dogs eyes. Whats your views on this ! Thanks
  23. Eley high flyer 28grm 6's £4.70 for 25
  24. Does it matter if there lead shot. Thanks
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