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Everything posted by billbroon

  1. Sure is and a found that one out walking through long wet grass, trousers dry but the water soaked straight through my boots. nothing worse than soggy feet
  2. Could have been worse mate, u could have got no rabbits lol. At least u will know if your clothing is waterproof
  3. Thanks for this post cause im having the same problem . What do yous think then guys. thanks billy
  4. Just a quick question do u have to have a license to own birds of pray or owls, just after something ive read in the paper last week about people getting owls because of harry potter. THANKS
  5. A know ma uncle was sweating alot and was getting really bad aches and pains in his chest, a was with him the day before he got took in hospital but they said if youve been in contact with someone but dont get any symptoms within 48 hours you will be fine. So luckaly a had no symptoms.
  6. My uncles been in quarinteen since last sat hes got swine flu, but gets out today. A 5 day course of tablets and thats u fit as fiddle.
  7. Thanks for that deker, good bit reading.
  8. A dont know if this is correct but was mixi a man made disease that was meant to help controll rabbit numbers years ago. thanks
  9. A shot 2 mixi rabbits this morning one a right big ane, the other was just a young wan. A hate seeing the young ones with it.
  10. Everytime i go to upload a pic for my personel photo or in a topic its not loading. I have been resizing them on photobucket and copying and pasting the image link with no result. If anywayone can let me know if im doing it wrong that will be great. thanks billy.
  11. Nice shooting lads Good sized bunnys.
  12. GOOD SHOOTING Sounds like youa had good night
  13. Going sunday never been so looking forward to it
  14. Yeh cheers thats what the instructions say. The manual says put in 200bar but when your pumping it it seems to get harder to pump towards the end is that just because the air fighting back thanks.
  15. with the pump though when u connect up it doesnt say how much pressure is already in it
  16. Tell me about it, ive been back 3 times and never seen it since lol
  17. Ive noticed alot more dogs for sale and they all seem to say GENUINE REASON for sale. Now i know some peoples sircumstances do change but if i had a dog i loved that was a good worker i wouldnt want to sell it no matter what. So i would rear a pup, that way if he is a great dog its your good achevment, plus the dog will be bonned with u more.
  18. How do i check the air with the hand pump, and a never asked. should it matter
  19. Great pics, the HIGHLANDS is the place to be.
  20. was trying to upload a pic but wouldnt load.
  21. Well woke up for work this morning, was sick 4 times and had bad stomach cramps so didnt go. At 9:30 phoned gun shop and went to have a look took £800 with me just incase a fancied the scorpion. BOUGHT IT. Didnt make me feel better parting with cash but happy with what a got. Got the BSA scorpion t10, hand pump, silencer, hawk 3-9x50 mill dot scope and sling !! So when a got home assembled everything, firsttime with pcp so was suprised how easy it was to pump up to 200bar as recommened. Went up woods to set sights never had targets so took an inch thick phone book which i thought would catch
  22. YIP saw it, he never exspected that wan did eh. D**K. Good on the old ane
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