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Everything posted by david2363

  1. Lwrence The dog in my avatar was Lakie x Beddy I'll try to dig some 3/4 pics out for you.
  2. Balvennie double wood. Try it, you'll like it!
  3. Not quite so glamorous this one, but gets the job done.
  4. Heres my two - Snowy and Persil. Pulling down rats single handed.
  5. I can't understand hy anyone can get upset about jokes on Stephen Gateley of Boyzone. It's only words...........
  6. Sorry It won;t happen again.
  7. Michael Jackson was disappointed when Stephen Gately came to heaven. He thought they meant someone from the BOYS HOME was coming.
  8. Stephen Gateleys DEAD? I can't believe it. What a bummer.
  9. Best THL post for a long time. I love everything about it - spelling, grammar, composition, and the subject matter - well you just couldn't make it up could you? Keep up the good work Selsey lamper. :notworthy: :notworthy:
  10. Who gives a fvck? We can all sleep safe in our beds knowing that detective Dotty Doo is on the case. Proper dog men don't buy pups bred from duffers and sold by peddlers, but thanks anyway for your vigilance Dotty.
  11. Don't know if this has been posted on here before, but it is so funny.
  12. My youngest lads PS3 seems to be faulty. When you put a disc in the drive, it doesn't seem to read it. Any clues anyone?
  13. Done. 7th Sept at Belle View. Thanks for that.
  14. This post has got to right up there with "who's your favourite mod" funny and sad in equal measures.
  15. Nice try Matt in your bid to for the coveted mod badge. Grow up FFS man.
  16. Well done Moss. Was Topper supervising the digging Mickey?
  17. A lovely pair of fillies. Which one did you ride?
  18. Respect to Any man who steps inside the square ring at any level. But Bruno if nothing else was fit as a butchers dog , in great condition. What iv seen of Tyson he needs to take his conditioning more seriously. Bruno was limited, but he took the game seriously, and he had a dig on him (and a very destructive jab) If you can imagine big Frank and "Tyson" Fury in a match, Bruno knocks him out every time in the first round. "Tyson" Fury is not a good fighter.
  19. He definetely has room for lots of improvement.....
  20. I don't know why "Tyson" bothers, and I really don't understand why some folk follow him. A very average fighter, with the fitness levels of an old lady. Could you really imagine this big lump in the same ring as Lennox, Mike Tyson, or any other good heavyweight? Me neither.
  21. "Always"? How many times do you buy a dog?
  22. Then all the serial shit posters came piling in and added and added and added to a post that didn't have to be made................................
  23. what would you need a quick beddy for? you dont need a quick patterdale. why cant the bedlington fellas who breed workers (not just bushing) call the beddy something else. whart i dont know but the end off the day the workers are hybrids Why should we call them something else? And you are wrong about all working Beddies being hybrids. Any more pearls of wisdom?
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