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Everything posted by david2363

  1. This daft topic crops up now and again on here. Why anyone would let a terrier that can go to ground, off the lead in the dark is beyond me. That said, a lad I know, Langley Charmer, who comes on here now and then, lamps his Beddy, Sid, with some success.
  2. if hes old enough to do the crime hes old enough to deal with the after barth Yeah, you can catch him as he does his paper round, then give him the "after barth"
  3. I just had a nosey on his profile - born 1993, 16 years old, just a kid really. Of course his age doesn't excuse him for allegedly ripping people off on the internet. I can't see what can be gained from going round to a 16 year olds house. There should be a hall of fame/notoriety for these muppets pinned on here. Personally, I would take it on the chin, and put it down to experience.
  4. I know a lad who lamps his Bedlington (successfully). But the thought of a small dog, which could go to ground, running around in the dark,leaves me cold.
  5. david2363


    This really pissed me off when I read it. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/22/20100108/tuk-oukoe-uk-britain-bet-fa6b408.html
  6. My Bedlington dog will find them whenever they are around, problem is, I'm not interested in Deer, and listening to his howling in the distance ain't funny. Some dogs are mad for them, some not so bothered.
  7. after all they crosses, are 'they' bedlingtons? The Bedlingtons in my post are Bedlingtons - they may not have a piece of paper from the Kennel Club that "proves" it. :whistling:But Bedlingtons they are. The little black dog is a hybrid - that is what she is ...a hybrid. Anyway, show me any Bedlingtons KC registration, and I'll show you breeding misdemeanors. Be lucky.
  8. Fvck me, a double act. Better than Morecambe and Wise Christmas special. Donnylad, you do seem to have been reading the usual supects. Show us a pic of this Beddie of yours
  9. If you look back on your Lakies breeding, there is every chance that you will find Bedlington ancestry.
  10. They can , and some do a proper job. However, most even so called working strains are bred for rabbiting and ratting. But, if you get the right type,take your time with him/her, and cross your fingers, they can be a useful dog to have around. I can understand why they are not more popular amongst digging lads - easy to ruin, some are temperamental to the point of winding you up. And let's face it, they aint as macho looking on the lead as a bull headed Patt. Best, when crossed with Lakie IMO, or 3/4 Beddie, 1/4 Lakie.
  11. Sometimes things are not as clearcut as we would want. O ne of my dogs - a 3 year old Bedlington male, was socialised properly and stock broken as a pup, this dog has not so much as looked at livestock the wrong way. Last month, I was walking through some fairly thick woods, when a sheep literally jumped up in front of us - My Beddy chased it and brought it down. The ewe was ok and shot off once I broke the dog off her. The dog had his ears down and his tail between his legs, so obviously realised his error. Since then, I have watched him closely, walked him through fields full of shee
  12. Got some neoprene ones from here http://www.clearlake.co.uk/feltons/listing.asp?Product_Sub_Cat=Gloves £11.99 very impressed with them. They also do Sealskinz at £14.99
  13. Good result there. Always nice to see a Border at the sharp end.
  14. Mushroom As you only live round the corner from me, if your marching past here - drop in and pick up my dogs, they could do with a long walk.
  15. I'd rather read one of Liams posts than a thousand like this. And it's bollocks to say all working dogs don't get looked after or socialised. Nice pup though.
  16. For the sake of your mental and physical health, not to mention the emotional wellbeing of your family, it's time to look for a move. Then in a few months, make this nasty little bitch as miserable as she has made you. Revenge is a dish, always best eaten cold. Good luck mate.
  17. Looks a strong thing. How often does that solid colouring crop up in litters ?
  18. Whats with the hi viz coats Mat? Is it for visibility or protection? Or both?
  19. Nice bitch Good to s,ee that you're giving her an active life.
  20. My Beddy got a treat yesterday, easy dig through sand to a red fella. Let my young black bitch have a safe look, then held dogs back and let him bolt and away.
  21. Sick of expensive gear that doesn't live up to expectations. I've got a German army surplus Goretex parka - £40.00, kees me dry as a bone, not the warmest of jackets though, so on Saturday, I traeted myself to a green waterproof jacket from Aldi - £24.99 , zip in/out fleece. Had it on most of today - bloody great. http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/2827_11362.htm I bought the green one by the way.
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