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Everything posted by david2363

  1. Here one courtesy of Blew from the Working Bedlington site - and a worker below ground by all accounts.<br>I much prefer Beddy x Lakeland - leaving less to chance.<br><br>
  2. I'm sure the narrator is Mr Mckay from porridge.
  3. The bigger terrier obviously has it's limitations as an out and out earth dog, I know that first hand from my 18" Bedlington dog - 18" and 27lb - about one and a half inches from being spannable. If there is a fox at home, he trys as hard as any terrier to reach it, but with limited success. Seems to get further in the quarries etc. But I always live in fear of him getting stuck or in a cave in in normal earths. My conclusion is that a medium size but powerful terrier is the smart choice.
  4. If you are going to slag us off, get your spelling in order you numb fvck.
  5. If Murray wins - he's British. If Murray loses- he's Scottish. Simple really.
  6. Its hardly fair to blame Andy Murray for the England half caste 11 rolling over and showing their throats to the Germans. Maybe you woud be happier if Tim Henman was still around?
  7. It's not technical or that difficult if you go up the tourist path. Fair old slog though.
  8. My big 18" Beddy can shift a bit, but he has probably caught no more than 2 or 3 rabbits on the run in open fields (out of hundreds of runs) Gets then in the cover no bother. As Mick says, get a Whippet. Or even a Beddy x Whippet.
  9. This wound you up? Keep taking the tablets love.
  10. The good old Bedlington seems doomed to fail on a number of fronts. There aren't enough people working them, and there are precious few good ones out there. (chicken and egg situation)! SJ, you seem to have been haunted by what you call "spooky " temprements, but the truth is that this is an unfortunate trait in a lot of Bedlingtons. The inconsistancy in substance will always be a problem as most dogs seem too "strong" for earth work while most bitches seem so lightweight and shelly that they are scarcely worth bothering with. And all this is happening alongside the countless litters ever
  11. I prob operate in the same fields and woods as Mr 'Shroom, as he lives near me. theres plenty of rabbits round here, so a few younguns for the table I can't see a problem with.
  12. Check out Swanseajacks thread - 121 pages and over 1800 posts. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2699&hl=bedlingtons&st=0
  13. You've got a criminal mind Topper. . . . . . I like it.
  14. We are lagging behind slightly on this poll, so take a second and click YES. http://www.politics.co.uk/speakers-corner/polls/environment-and-rural-affairs/fox-hunting-$21379300.htm
  15. Which one is the Bedlington? 22 inches? I have an 182 one and I thought he was a big un.
  16. Real shame the way the GYS has gone in recent years. 25/30 years ago this was THE show. I remember Frank Buck judging and giving his opinion (in no uncertain terms) on showy "summer dogs".
  17. I was lucky enough to see Zeppelin at Knebwoth in 1979 - I was 15/16 and told my old mum I was going on a fishing trip. Last night I watched the programme "Im in a rock and roll band" where the veiwing public voted for their favourite guitarist, singer, drummer, and ultimately the greatest rock band. Zep had someone in every category - Bonham took the best drummer accolade, beating Kieth Moon and Dave Grohl. In the big vote of the best rock band it was between the Beatles, Queen and Led Zeppelin. Led Zep were voted the winners. Robert Plant is an all round nice fella, and into his Bed
  18. Depending on what they are bred from, but if you can get them the right size they are as good as anything. I wouldn't be using Russel in the mix personally, but there have been some good Beddy x Lakie, Border and Fells. The dog in my avatar is Lakeland (Cyril Tyson) X Bedlington. 15" narrow, saw a lot of foxes. Below, Poppy 14m, good nose, great little hunter above ground,14" and spannable. bolted a couple end of last season, see how she goes this winter.
  19. Had a few Beddy x Lakies, worked well. Have a bitch right now whos a mix of Fell and Beddy, only 14 m but lots of promise.
  20. Been loads of law suits brought against Royal Canin and Eukaniba in the States - everything from infected rice protein in the feed (imported from China) to dodgy ingredients. "Plaintiffs contend the food is actually made from "inedible" slaughterhouse waste products of the human food chain such as spines, heads, tails, hooves, hair, and blood. Rendering companies who process this waste have also added other inedible "waste" such as euthanized cats and dogs from veterinarian offices and animal shelters, road kill, zoo animals, rancid restaurant grease, toxic chemicals and additives. Additio
  21. Ha Yeah, but it was REAL quicksand, not faked.
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