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Everything posted by flinty

  1. i was told the other month when i started work that its just advisable as it never runs out and you always need to do a test at any company anyway keepin your cert is the difrence between a 30 min test to a 3day they told me
  2. crazy stuff said there was like 10k people out on a hunt
  3. anyone els had any problems with the 360 version off this game its got to be the worst game i ever bought fist one of the online codes not working said was already in use then i lose my game saves said it was carupt wont let me play co/op or multiplayer says sever cannot connect or loses conection just one thing or another never had this crap with cod role on mw3 they had plenty of time to get decent servers goin e.a = waste of time!!!
  4. here is a link to giffgaffs website its the cheapest pay an go around i have been using it for a while and its sound plenty of bargains in there goody bags cheap calls and txts free to others on giffgaff aswell check link out for more info http://giffgaff.com/orders/affiliate/craigos
  5. here is a link to giffgaffs website its the cheapest pay an go around i have been using it for a while and its sound plenty of bargains in there goody bags cheap calls and txts free to others on giffgaff aswell check link out for more info http://giffgaff.com/orders/affiliate/craigos
  6. new shape 360 is loads better than the old ones beats ps3 hands down go buy 250gb xbox 12month live and a blue ray player and you will probly save money than buyin a ps3 people moanin about live its only sumt like 3.50 a month less than a pack of fags and on xbox it dont get hacked and down for weeks and you dont have details stolen on xbox
  8. i once cought a rabbit like this aswell few years back
  9. its gone in accident book im just waitin on seein a doctor
  10. yesterday i was at work raping up a pallet and a forklift took me out and pushed me over on to pallet i was doing i hurt the bottem of my back ancle and ribs i reported it straight away had to carry on picking for two hour as it was not a serious accident and dint need to go hospital i ended up goin first aid having ice pack then light dutys rest of day and back in work today picking paint even tho they no im in pain with my back i cannot get in to see a doctor thinking of geting a claim in they take piss
  11. hello im in need of a new lamp has anyone used the tracer sport light for lampin with dogs? are they just as good as striker? look prety much the same how reliable are they like wires and stuff ?
  12. flinty


    should have shot the one that had gave it the gun would have been so funny
  13. i figured it out last night thanks anyway and earth black ops is boring now mw2 is loads better
  14. hello i no this is not about hunting but on multiplayer dose anyone no how to read the messages you get next to your mini map in bottom left all it dose is flash i have tryed allsorts to sort it cheers
  15. hi im off airsoftin in about two weeks with a few mates of mine has anyone ever done it befour? or would paintballing be a better day out ? all i no its ment to be more painfull that paintballs
  16. flinty


    you can watch the gamekeeper full movie on youtube i just watched it its a prety decent film not as good as kes tho
  17. flinty


    best thing to do is buy a xbox 360 and get a years subscription on xbox live you dont have all the problems you have on psn and can do loads more with playing with friends like you can do partys and stuff
  18. flinty

    new JD book

    find and stay is on his own site for £10
  19. someone has just sold a copy of this book on ebay for £28.25 and £2.75 postage it had five bids not bad to say its still forsale on darcys website for £10 posted i would not be suprised if darcy himself ended up puting the prices of these books up with the prices they fetch after they sell out or in this case still for sale lol
  20. flinty


    hello all i have a treadmill in mint condition heres a pic of what it looks like and i will post a link what tells you all you should need to no about the treadmill as i dont have a clue about them im open to offers pm me cheers flinty link ..http://www.fitnesstakeaway.com/TM_MFT308.htm
  21. think im nearly 5 now dont get much time to play on it nowdays
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