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Everything posted by flinty

  1. who can remeber old lucas head lamp & plalg 12 v old day want they fun
  2. Not had a fag from may no patches just will power hard work
  3. lightforce striker 170 wont go rong
  4. its not me that was my moochin partner
  5. i put 1 in my hutch and my ferrets wont touch it Strange! I take the guts out, and cut right up through the ribcage to open it up a bit for them as they seem to have very tough skin! They always eat all the meat and bones off the skin, just leaving the feet and head! I guess not every ferret is going to like the same tastes! now you say it they did just scratch al the hair off the belly and just left it but waried the pidgeon and its a 22 caliber and it likes air arms hunter pellets
  6. had a little walk round wood again go a mixd bag had a shot at a phesant 1 shot was proud of that 2 say i wasnt leaning or owt saw a load ov sqwigle but they was gone [bANNED TEXT] i had a chance 2 get a shot in
  7. i put 1 in my hutch and my ferrets wont touch it
  8. just ad a walk round local wood with s410 got a bit of food 4 the ferrets hope pics cum up dint work as pland last tym i tryd
  9. i have a aas410 carbine i am just wonderin were i shud fill it up from i normly fill it [bANNED TEXT] it gets to about 100 2 the mark or isit possible that i can go less but the pellet wil stil go in the same place as it wood 170 2 100 mark and my gun dunt seem 2 acept more air than 180 i tryd filling it 2 200 [bANNED TEXT]
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