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About Digital_Dog

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  1. Bully Kutta is a breed that was present long before the english set their feet on the sub continent. It is a wishfull thinking that the Bully Kutta was created with englih breeds. The colonial era started in the 18th century,when they came to India along their dogs. Whereas you can find ALexander the great talking abut the Bully Kutta in 325 BC during his conquest of East Asia and so on... The English brought their dog which were smaller and weaker,here they crossed them with the regional variety hence corrupting the genepool. However The bully Kutta remians one of the most ancient breed i
  2. Videos are too large...i tried once to upload them on youtube it was taking ages, so i could not. However i will try to break the video in smal bits and upoad them
  3. Hey Tallyho, They are bred for fighting purposes but some people also use them for hunting wild Boras. I dont have pictures of hunting but I have videos...
  4. Thank you storm chaser .... Hey "The One" Here in Pakistan we have different dog breeds for different works. The all white (Bully Gul terr) is mainly used for wild boar hunting and the other larger breed(Aseel Bully Kutta) is mainly used for dog fights. Every region has its on variety of dogs in Pakistan. But one thing that they have in common is that,they are free from genetic defects... We also have "Tazi" Pakistani Sight hounds and various other breeds for hunting...I dont know if this is the right place to start and exchanging info
  5. Hey "The one" thank you so much for welcoming me. How are yuo doing and what are your intrests in dogs?
  6. Hello All, I am the latest member here, Im from Pakistan and breed and own Bully Kutta's. My main purpose of joining this forum was to debate healthy with people like gnasher who think they have the right to call any nation ,its people and their dog breed 3rd class. But it very sadning to see that the forum where i was showing the pakistani magnificient dog breeds and reasoning with an ignorant person is gone now. If this is done deliberately i would request the admin of this site to stop taking sides and allow me to continue writting on that particular page . Page=Hunting life ,Topic
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