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Posts posted by night_life14

  1. My saluki grey, dont let anyone mess with him, if he lay down, then its his bed, if I try to move him by touching him he will bite, but not hard,dont like any strangers, im 100% safe with him, wont let anyone near me, police came round with torch, he leaped in air, tried to grab his head, lol. Protects me and car, house, would bite anyone who walks in who he dont know,

    Just keep him out the way of someone he dont like, that simple :D

  2. hi i've a first cross saluki greyhound,

    i find them stubborn, hard to train off live stock,

    because the bigger things excite them,they are good guard dogs,

    i find them easy to train to jump,sit lie,train to lamp, ferret.

    but they can go deaf when you call them back,

    but they never run off,saluki x's seem clever then other dogs.

    i wouldn't have any other cross of lurcher.



  3. hi all thanks for the nice replies :angry:

    if you had read the post properley you would know,i do not own any of the pups dog, or bitch.

    the bitch has only had the pups eight weeks ago,

    so she won't of put the weight on yet,

    i put the ad on for someone who does not have the internet,

    i'm the girl in the pic thanks, it's not my job cleaning them out.

    taking the advert off thanks again for all your posts :sick:



  4. Hi i have a saluki x greyhound

    2yrs 7mths that i lamp with, he comes back when the lamps turned off, he jumps.retrieves to about 15ft.

    he doesn't mash the rabbits up, but they are nearly dead lol...

    he's good with cats, and is just starting too calm down a bit, though still acts like

    a 5mth old pup.... he's a good guard dog... a bit funny with other

    dogs that he doesn't know. he guards his food like his life depends on it...

    so he has too be kenneled alone. he's not too bad on the recall, as long as no- one is about.

    he chases joggers, horses, sheep, cows and anything else that moves.

    i took him with me when i mucked out some horses, he was ok then,

    but if their in a field it's a different matter.

    he's almost human lol... i've tried collie x's and they don't seem to have a character.

    i wouldn't have a collie x for free. lol


    over all he's alright lol :clapper:


    thats him on my avatar.



  5. hi all


    just joined your site


    i've got a saluki x whippet dog,19wks tomoz,called lich,gonna use him for lamping,i'm from derbyshire and i'm 15 female.

    oh and i'm getting a bull grey x saluki grey pup,what do you think?

    thats it look forward to hearing from you bye

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