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About scal

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. thanks lads ill get him in to vets tomorrow
  2. not directly under the mouth kind of the adams apple area if a ferret has one he dosent appear agitated and his mouth is clear thanks man
  3. hi lads hoping you can give me some advice havent much faith in going to vets my buck ferret has developed a swelling around his neck mainly underneath below his jaw hes about 5 yrs old hasent been near any rats dosent appear to have been bitten has any of you come across this any advice would be welcome ill more than likely end up taking him in to vets he dosent seem sick and he is eating
  4. thanks for all the replys lads im sure it will be a great help thanks again
  5. springer i think money is not a huge issue How much do you want to spend on a springer, they varey in price up to around £600, there are a lot of good second hand springers popping up for sale on the site if you keep your eyes peeled prob just couple of hundred quid was loking for bit of information on power would the 12lb pressure gun be good enough for what im after
  6. springer i think money is not a huge issue
  7. hi lads just wondering if anyone can help me am hoping to get an air rifle soon for small bit of magpie /pigeon shooting what type rifle do ye suggest......cheers
  8. Can you imagine how lame that white dog must have been afterwards, or if it even ran again? how did the white dog pull up after that run in? how did it heal? Dogs get their feet bit when they havent learned to keep them back. I would bet it looks worse than it was, but you can be sure if it was MY dog it would be running on the next coyote I spotted that day...and I bet it would be a lil more careful about where it put its feet... The frozen ground, rocks, and plow are harder on their feet than the coyotes are, most the time. Take care. uphilldoc thanks for the reply lo
  9. what is the situation with rabies over there do you innoculate your dogs against it also what time of year is best for hunting the coyote or do you hunt them all year ...great pics looks like really good sport
  10. hoping to go to lake district soon is nuttal still living in that area can you just go and visit his place does he always have pups on
  11. its bad mate when people are to scared to talk,talking is half the enjoyment, say what you think with in reason ,or they win we lose,it will get worse and before long you wont be able to say things like my dog killed a rabbit last night dont think you should be scared to talk just scared who you talk to ,and the way the laws the fluffy bunny brigade are getting more power i think some people are just making it easier for them
  12. what do you want to talk for ,just enjoy the pics get some information about hunting gear lamps and the like .thats what these forums should be about, not lads going on about killing this and that. theres too much information on the net about hunting too much ammunition for anti hunt organisations .thats just my opinion
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