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Everything posted by CO CHISE

  1. this is a young dog i got given thats 15" and just quite not spannable but very determined, normally i like a dog abit smaller for the earths i do, ive had a little doo with him and he has done the job asked for, bred right so hopefully will do the job, time will tell
  2. its funny you say that as i visit a known terrier man now and again and he says the same, the storys he tells me when there was no locaters about are out of this world and very intresting, he says the same as you as the locater is needed but its taken the true tester away from a good working dog
  3. much appreciated, thanks do you know which side of the gear box its on as ive been told to be carefull
  4. :clapper: afew year ago whilst out lamping down a country road one of my pals told me to stop and reverse back as he had seen someone in the hedge, when i reversed back to see who it was and shone the lamp it was a well dressed woman crying, well we thought the worse, when we got out to ask what was wrong the woman told us she had had a aguement with her husband and he had thrown her out, this was about 3am and she had been there afew hours waiting for him to come back but he didnt, we ended up taking her to a 24 hour shopping center for her to sort something out as she lived too far for us t
  5. itle put you on, better then no collar at all
  6. im abit green when it comes to messing about with motors, so can anyone tell me which side the bolts are for me to top up the gear box oil, as ive been told to be very careful to get it right with the bolt to un do, thanks
  7. BBASTARDS :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: what a waist and specially to those c**ts,
  8. just my own opinion but to me at 5/6 mth old and allowed to enter is too young, im talking adult quarry, a fox can bolt whilst netting up before a terrier is put to ground, a quick bolt doesnt mean its worked it, i do let my pups have a look around 8/9 mth at the end of digs but dont allow them very close contact, then ile hold them back till around 13/14mth mark if i think there ready, then ile let them have a easy doo, then if im happy with them then its there chance after that to do the job i ask from them, (find and stay) to them that start them young ATB
  9. im not nocking the quality of it as its very good but £35 is way too much, ide want a locater on it for that much, atb with it
  10. like its been said its all part of the game its sad to say, and its a b*****d when it happens, even more for me is when i lost 2 in a wk a good few year ago, a good earth bitch i owned whilst of the lead only for a roe to jump up and cross a busy road with the bitch behind it,( the roe made it over), then i borrowed my pals bitch to run on as he was busy with his boxing only for me to dig to it jaw up both dead, believe me i felt a c**t telling him ide lost his dog but he under stood as its all part of terrier work sometimes, a good few lessons was learned from that experience i can tell you,
  11. 2 good fish you have there and the breams not abad fish for your first one
  12. very good advice these lads are giving you pal, take it on bord and all the best with your PUP,
  13. i bet that roset on show on fridge magnet tidy bitch youve got there T yeh, welldone T, good day it was, to much grog though rough as a nuns this morning just seen our selfs on pics with yous with pints in hands nocking them back and me poor driver tagging on behind with my GOOD terrier that came no where, but i made up for it when i got back and even now my head still sore, your turn to drive next time jacko:D
  14. i bet that roset on show on fridge magnet tidy bitch youve got there T
  15. good day and the weather was bang on, some cracking looking dogs about, didnt get picked out again in terrier ring even thou the young un took the dog in for simper thy vote but had afew jars with judges back home and managed to word him up for next time very good turn out and met afew nice fellas
  16. CO CHISE

    Happy Birthday

    how many of them have you had then ? lost count after 6 call down for a few if you want would of done pal but just watching England hammer france in rugby league, ile see you in morn
  17. CO CHISE

    Happy Birthday

    how many of them have you had then ?
  18. wouldnt have it given only joking T, nice little thing, would it be related to your lakey bitch ? what are you going to use it for
  19. thats what you call a true gentleman, i wish i was in a better position to help, all the very best TT,
  20. totaly gutted for you pal, the very best of luck to you,
  21. FOR f**k SAKE LADS, lets pull ourselves together and try to stick together instead of having ago at one another, sorry to fetch it up but the lad in the vid has done f**k ALL WRONG and isnt connected to the other pics, so lets put this topic to bed and STICK TOGETHER, instead of ripping into one an other,
  22. that sounds nice, better then noise they make out side bedroom window, im of to raid conifer tree in garden where there nesting only joking
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