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Everything posted by CO CHISE

  1. Just booked our b&b to travel down to this show. Don’t go to many shows but this is a good show run by top class guys. ?
  2. Simply business. Public liability up to 5m for pest and vermin control. I paid just less than £150
  3. Did our first wasp nest beginning of last week and done around 12 so far up here in West Yorkshire
  4. Don’t go to many shows but this One is the best working dog show I’ve been to. Shame it had to be cancelled. See you next year . Atb
  5. Love it when it snows. This pic was just before new year. It came and went in 24 hr so I'm hoping it'll stay a little longer this time.
  6. Some cracking pups. Atb with them. Pup a round 4 months old I was gifted
  7. Top class show and a really good night too. Me and the lads really enjoyed it. It was nice to meet good lads with a good sense of humour. Ha. Some cracking dogs about and the digging competition was good to watch. Nice to see the English lads win it. Ha. Like to thank kev for getting us better b&b than the one we'd booked on line. Look forward to next year. Atb
  8. yes, mate, I'll see you there,im sure it's your turn to get the beer in hahaim more than happy to buy a gentleman a pint or two. Hope you all have a good day tomorrow. Atb
  9. One of best shows I've been to run by top class men. Gutted I can't make it. Hope the weather is good for you. I'll catch up with you Andy at the FMWT show if you're up for it. Atb
  10. Flights and hotel booked. Looking forward to traveling over to this one.
  11. i watched afew of terrier classes and the judge must of been a Black and Tan fan. Ha.
  12. Try changing your baits pal. I get results with peanut butter and pieces of snicker bar. When a job like yours comes along with no access into roof voids I tend to strip back the first course of roof tiles to place traps in the eaves with the owners permission ? It does help with me working on the roofs before pest control. Or a kania with the tunnel close to the entry point. Or just shoot the little fuckers. Ha. Best of luck
  13. Kanias or magnum 110 and fens will soon sort the problem. Get the little fuckers sorted out as soon as possible
  14. These little guys came and landed at side of me whilst at work today. Not the best of pics but it's the first time I've seen them
  15. haha. Day started well and then it's just that one when you say we'll just try this one to finish on that goes tits up. Your phone was ringing like a prostitute on heat when you should of been home. Ha. I can remember taking that pic that night on old railway of you 3 and 4 figures were in pic but it was too dark to see. Who ever it were was a idle twat for not helping us. Ha
  16. My low points is it hasn't been a good season with a lot of earths not holding and a young bitch not quite up to it and loosing a dog while out with a pal. Also letting a lad who was starting out come out with us and gifting him a dog or two. Only for it to go to his head and think he been at it years and his attitude to it all not right and disrespectful to men and dogs. High points was enjoying My terrier work whether I got the result at the end of the day with good lads. And also f***ing that lad of. Ha. Enjoy your terrier work guys. Atb
  17. I dont know lol. I just assumed from past posts you were in Kent and Co Chise Ireland.no pal but last Friday you'd of thought I was. Atb
  18. I decided to buy a couple of these and first time out with them I nearly threw them into next field. I was wasting too much time trying to set them and when I did manage to set them they had gone of when I checked them. I threw them back into bucket and they went abit rusty and now there a lot easier to set and I've had afew results with them
  19. do you have any pics of that dig. I'd had afew Guinnesses when you rang me. Me and other lad were half pissed digging that night but soon sobered up with cold. Ha. Another good dig to Eddie that was.
  20. I was gutted for you pal. We tried our best but it was too late. He died doing what he loved. Old lad went out on a high and we got our quarry but the result was a good kick in bollocks also. Think of the good times with him and enjoy your terrier work.
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