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Everything posted by CO CHISE

  1. i had a dog given that was around 14mth old and all it use to do was bark all time when it heard my poultry and just wanted to get to them when it saw any, one day he got out and jumped in a pen of some ducks i was fattening and killed the lot, i ended up getting hold of one of dead ducks and i leather d him with it, now he dare dent even look at any no more and now he's broken to them, think it would be quite hard with a sheep thou
  2. Maybe something like this.. http://news.bbc.co.u...von/3593318.stm im lost i cant see any explaination of unnecessary ssuffering there ??
  3. Good working dog show this one. Hope the weathers ok for it,
  4. cant make this one as other things as popped up, sounds like its going to be a good un with proper working dogs turning up, hope the weather is bang on for you's and turns out a good day, shame me and afew lads couldnt of had ago at the digging comp, but saying that were only any good for digging post holes or ice cream cone looking holes, lol, atb hope its a good turn out,
  5. thanks for the replys back, salclalin thanks for the offer but by going on your flag im miles away from you but thanks, cornishtrapper thanks for the advice and your right im setting them way too low and too small, ile take the advice given and try to set them better and let you know how i get on,
  6. just wondering if any of you's could help me on how to set a snare properly , ive a family of foxes thats been round me for quite a while as the neighbors feed them, to be honest i didnt mind them been around but they have just taking the piss and crossed the line by killing acouple of my hens and probably killed the lot if i wouldnt of been around, i let them out of there run for a better pick around and as soon as my back was turned the twat set about them around 4 in afternoon, they come from a big patch of bramble on abit of waste land, you cant shoot them on this land as its not safe enou
  7. probably my first interest in terriers was through a family yorkie we had as a pet when i was a young un, i use to walk miles with the little bitch doing abit of rabbiting, i did try to do abit of cover work with her if i could get her to go in or if she wanted to but when i look back she was absolutely use less to be honest i havnt improved much now,
  8. cracking set of terriers you have dev, full credit to you, atb
  9. dug to this bitch on afew occasions, gave 100% every time, lets hope the pup makes as good as her,
  10. i have a regular supply of liver plus all the pig and i feed it raw every other day along with biscuit and ive had no problems,
  11. couldnt make it thurs but manage afew hours today and im useless, it was very quiet but i had 2 good takes on meat and lost them both of hook, my young was dead baiting and had 3 pike on and he lost them all, all been well ile have another go early next wk if weathers ok,
  12. all been well im out, rather the nidd or ouse, hoping for a chub that'll beat my personal best of 6,2 or a decent barbel, good luck to those who are going, atb
  13. thats some long tails youve had there, your dogs have done very well by the pic of all them, a happier farmer i bet, atb
  14. good close up pics, was watching one over the wkend whilst fishing and was surprised to see one drop into the water twice when flying over the pond for small roach/rudd, i thought they sat still at the side of the water waiting for fish to come by, atb
  15. good luck with sale, these are very good pieces of art work with fine detail of dog and fox, i had all three but had to part with them to replace my bellman box i lost whilst out, a yr or 2 back one on ebay, the one with terrier tied to spade made over the £200 mark alone, atb
  16. ive caught bigger gudgeon should of used those jacks as your dead bait for your monster and tell em carl that you cant take alot of tackle where you go just in case you have to be on your toes, youve enough weight to carry as it is keep it up, atb
  17. is it for the best ugliest entered dog, i might be in with a chance if it is a very good prize to win,
  18. been to this one acouple of times, good show
  19. come on then, show us the rosette and the hip flask you won at R,V,W,T show today with pup, full credit pal on what you did for pup, feeding it every 3 hr and so on for it to turn out a healthy strong pup, i can honestly say i couldnt of done it, lets hope it makes the grade, the very best of luck,
  20. i work on an indoor unit, a sow will average around 24 pigs per year, you wean at 25/28 days at around 7kg, they should get to around 30kg at 10wks old and 100kg with in 6mth, we kill out around 105kg so they should weigh around 83kg dead weight,(minus bone/guts), a sow eats around 1.25 tons per yr at a cost of £125/£160 a ton weaner feed at £250/£270 a ton and fat feed from £160/£190 a ton it will differ on breed of pig you'll keep and if you keep them outside, if you look through the farmers weekly, it tells you what price per kilo pork/bacon is making but changes each wk, atb i
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