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Everything posted by redneckwarior

  1. if u have no convictions you or your dad you have a god given right to own a shot gun. if you have been a good boy ur laffing if you havent forget it. ur wasteing your time.that is the top and bottom of it to be honest..
  2. avvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttt t lol jesus not for me.my heart would ave gone bang. fair doos u done it feller. is that where we park on tht pub car park for lampin then. lol.
  3. its askin for your pass word bud. and ur sort code details for your bank. tell us and ill have a watch..lol fair play all for a good worh wile cause aswell. top man...
  4. i think you would get fed up with being pulled by plod as long as you got dogs in its ur dog bus. em
  5. it would b good for all kinds of reasons id say but might atract unwanted atention of the real boys in blue. would it b legal. im sure you would have 2 look into that before you brought it. be a great dog buss al the same..
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2003-FORD-FOCUS-LX-S...id=p3286.c0.m14 INTERESTING DOG BUS TO SAY THE LEAST...
  7. i didnt realise this weed was as common as it is to be honest
  8. i wouldnt say its elegal as alot worse goes onin life to do with foul drainage systems. if it was a rain water storm run then might be a different story as it is foul 2 foul...tough1 . about the rats get the rat pack in with there charlie..
  9. i wonder who is going to get deleted tonight
  11. thats right there fin and fur i had a simlar situation farmer came up two me on his field as i was walking on the publick right of way off my other fields. he said would u mind having a go at shifting mine for me. he said pop up the farm and we will sort boundrys out etc and my other fields.and fair play there mush room . can i see more of the different coloured 1s i only have grey and the odd mixd race 1s can u say black these days?? more of them lighter coloured 1s....
  12. hope he gets it who ever buys it is the daft 1.
  13. i stand corretced. i was told it was knott weed by a freind but it is the other weed. the himalayan 1.
  14. there is alot around the stream that runs around 1 set of permison it seperates like four fields or more the stream does and two be honest that is where it mainley grows around the stream areas.
  15. its everywhere, we unknowingly transplanted some into our garden when we moved in because it looked nice flowers, we got it from a neibour that didnt know what it was, :doh: took us 2 years to get rid of, it took a shit load of weedkiller and a hell of a lot of digging to get rid of it all. then we gave it to the council in their "green waste" bin at the dump. my mother in law has some in her front garden likes the look of the flowers . like u say. bummer to get rid off...she dont no where it come from but it looks nice...she says.....
  16. i have noticed last few years this weed has took off all over my permission different farms and fields. .it is like a puple pink flower growinng on and the body of plant is like thick green cane . terrible weed..big pest. when i pickd my pup last week from wiltshire it was rife down there side of roads 2..
  17. mixi terrible i have just aquired a few new fields few month back and that had a fair few of rabbit with signs of mixi starting. but it seems two have died a death now..
  18. i would say 99.9% on here would say name them u dont want to be having dealings with theses kind of low life and if it is proven shouldnt be allowed on here pedeling dogs or what ever else they are stealing..and u wouldnt want this forum asosiated with the place to be buyin all your nock off from . would bring the site into desripute.. as for grassing well ur as bad as the theives if you keep shtum?? are u not.
  19. it says on the letter randomly selected from eletoral role..
  20. if there proven by law two be scum bags they should be treated like scumbags. un never no u might be buyin stolen dogs pups etc.if you have got a pick of person u obviously wouldnt be buying it then if you reckognised them. if proven.. u no how it gets out of hand on here .. if youve got proof name shame put there adress on here fk em low life. if my dogs were robd id want blood. and i would b getting if i found whom had taken my dogs.u put a life time into your dog why should some cock b taking ur effort and hard earnd off you.string them up in public for all two see. kangaroo cort them .. ra
  21. if theres any cases that involve hunting i mite have 2 be the 1 of the jury that has 2 disagree u always get 1 jurer that dosent agree
  22. some good ideas. but i think ive gotta go.
  23. the whole system is a night mare u cant leave the court house u have 2 sit untill you are chosen for a case. . i thought once u had done your stint that was it. obviously not.
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