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Everything posted by gelert

  1. i'm 222 for foxes and 243 for both the 222 is an estate rifle so i bought myself a 243 to do everything with. 2 things to consider are 22-250 are very loud, my permission won't allow that at night, and 223 bullets are in serious demand, could be a big shortage coming up as it is a military round and the us army are 1.5billion short at the moment .222 is great seriously under rated kills at 300 yards with enough practice, but comfortable to 200 and much more than that a fox is bloody small at night. it is also the quietest out of those 3 calibres with no competition for bullets
  2. sportman gun centre have a good deal on mannlichers around £987 for stainless and mounts and moderator then just need scope............thats what i've gone for!!
  3. have a look at this www.thewholeshootingmatch.com the stealth 10 mod never used it but i liked the t8 apart from it rusting and this one fixes those problems, the guy making them is very knowledgable give him a ring i'm going for it in the new year when my rifle arrives, should be good though
  4. gelert

    khan v earl

    i didn't say anything about how i feel about his family.........just amir khan............he's a good guy and not greedy with his wealth.....he has done more to change disadvantaged peoples lives than i probably ever will benefitting britain, if he becomes a prick then i won't support him but until then everyone is racist as it is impossible not to react differently to peoples skin colour religion etc but it comes to tolerence, he's helping british so i have no problem with him
  5. gelert

    khan v earl

    yeah unfortunately i would say thats racist, i'm very proud of my country and when it comes to people moving here legally or illegally i'm very sceptical.....in fact probably racist but a line has to be drawn, he's the third generation to be born in britain, and they all work, i have no problem with that theres alot of english people who do alot less i'd rather boot them out!! he stands up and says he's british, thats whats counts, theres men and women of all races and skin colours and religions fighting and giving there lives for britain, he doesn't force it into anyone face he doesn't preac
  6. gelert

    khan v earl

    I can't see why people don't like khan.........ok hes a little flashy but not as much as hye could be, he puts money and time back into the community he grew up in, he counts himself as english, hes gracious in his wins when he could brag about it.........nothing like the arrogant, self righteous tosser that is mayweather, totaly unsporting and a cock..............khan is respectful, driven and talented, best of all its ANOTHER awesome british fighter, get behind him and give him a fan base to fight for And shame on the english for booing the american national anthem in the hatton v m
  7. June to december last year 47 and lots of mange january 3rd to present 110 picked up and 9 more definately hit but unrecovered, i don't count them if i can't sex them, shot my last mangey one in june this year, some absolutley beautiful foxes moving in. they've gone from cat sized to very healthy fox averaging 12 - 15lbs with the heaviest at 19 1/2lbs. Thats over around 2000acres of surrey, and the neighbouring estate shoots a similar amount
  8. as your young he might ask you a couple of questions like dangerous range of shotgun, what your shooting etc. who is your firearms officer?
  9. i use a 222 ruger M77 mkii and, i love it! it too likes federals but with home loads i've killed at 230 paces, fox sitting front on aimed at eyes and hit the neck. very flat, i'd go first hand, worth the money in the long run, small calibres do wear out quite quickly, and i would only get stainless barrel especially s/h. I've got a crap tasco scope on it and it winds me up. Now getting my own rifle which will be steyr mannlicher 243 and the schmidt scope is awesome, i've gone to this for deer and its the only stock that feels great from the box for me The safety catch on the
  10. As above, I have a mate who reloads so just want to know what works well as a starting point. what works in a steyr mannlicher .243, for foxes, no kick wanted, and flat trajectory shooting in awkward places and the gun can't always be hard into my shoulder and i shoot quite a few foxes on the trot. And what doubles up well for roe and foxes don't mind a bit more kick cos its all high seat stuff?
  11. 222.50 flat fast and hard hitting but a big bang even moderated but does kill em. i like .222 but am moving to 243...........how are these like kick and recoil wise??
  12. theres a moderator called stealth10 from thewholeshootingmatch.com, which should be better than the T8, same length, weight etc but aluminium and stainless rather than mild, so it doesn't ring as much and most importantly it doesn't rust! I'm getting one soon i hope. Not keen on the T8's as there made to be disposable, at £200 i don't think so.
  13. Listen to barbara fukin woodhouse A slip is a must if you are doing serious lurcher work then you are in total control when the dog runs . If I had a dog that was totally in control when of the slip when quarry was around I would question its prey drive. Use a thin 1 inch webbing strap if your wee handys are hurting thats bollocks.......with proper training a dog should be able to be stopped at any point and not run in untill told........
  14. i'm not the keeper but have worked alongside him voluntarily for 4 years and its my job to keep the foxes down..........in 3 20 acre fields i've shot 13 in a week!!! from pretty much the same spot, a quiet place which you can drive too......funny that!! they aren't country foxes as i find country foxes either ignore the lamp and carry on walking around or if they know it f*** off and never look back but these run like f*** to the hedge, sit down and watch me as i clang about in my motor trying to aim.......(i normally walk, so out of practice in vehicles) last year i wouldn't have shot
  15. bump to the top......she gotta go...make an offer if your interested
  16. someones loading for my .222 ruger m77 mk11, i was happy emough with factory and he hasn't really done much testing just very consistant and out to 230rds which is what i shot last night.....its bang on..............i weighed the powder difference in the same box of bullets and between 2 different they weren't consistant about 2gn difference through the range!! reloading is definately the way forward, to get the best results.........find someone doing it in your area
  17. best thing i ever did getting it silenced .222 ruger shoot things one after other and can still hear them coming in...........thats the problem with ear defenders you can't hear anything!! that charlie creeping up the hedge or how loud your squeak is etc....... edited to say..........but well done with the crows
  18. vermin dropper was selling them..........the only other one i've had fantastic results with is the brass one with a hole in it but its not loud, just very good do not buy the acme........such hard work and if you don't give it everything you sound like a duck
  19. Been counting the foxes i've shot this year and i've shot 111(104 pickedup) foxes off the estate. Now i don't work there i just have permission but i do go out quite abit but i've had 70 off just over 400acres of it! Are people shooting a lot of foxes this year? Or are my foxes being dumped??
  20. can't remember what it was called, someone was selling one on here, my mate got one and christ there good!! Two strips of black plastic with a reed between them...........loud or quiet, high pitch or low, with a bit of practice, awesome, i'm getting one!!!
  21. Tomos got it right...........walk it to heel then whistle it on to what you want snoops a very close second.......lol
  22. might have one my mate took it for a while don't know whether he's keeping it.......i'm near guildford....it will need a little welding for the test but if your interested £350ovno but not much really, can't be there only little cars also i'm 6'4" and theres loadsa room...i had great fun in it but do some miles now so upgraded to a land rover, the bank balance has noticed the change, those suzuki's are very economical wish with my circumstances i could keep it but its not to be it an sj413 blue soft top
  23. when would they be ready, if there was a spare bitch then a friend of mine may be interested. It would be a home for life, like me he is looking for a dog to accompany him and work all year round on lots lots of quarry so stamina and feet are important. Thats why a cross like this might interest him, although he was thinking beddy whippet x but could you pm number and he could call if your interested!
  24. hi, how much are you wanting for just the rifle and mounts or even just the rifle??
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