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Everything posted by stanley1191

  1. you could have just googled that? but then first hand experience is the better advisor.
  2. would be good idea to buy a guard dog. like a rotty. would be good to see the rotty take a finger or two off them lol. probably a stupid idea though.
  3. if you get a well bred, working stock patt. but most importantly, make sure it's kept busy working, you should have no problems, a good, working terrier usually won't fight with other dogs, terriers that want to fight other dogs, especially when on a lead are usually cowards, just my oppinion no offence meant. How do you work that out? do u mean if they attacked whilst of their leads they would still be a coward?
  4. we are. was just wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] new what it was. as the STUPID vets do not like to answer their phones much.somebody is always on the line. I would have thought that's a good sign? It means they're busy Don't expect a diagnosis down the phone line though, we don't use crystal balls i mean to book an appointmant lol.
  5. we are. was just wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] new what it was. as the STUPID vets do not like to answer their phones much.somebody is always on the line.
  6. try mussling him and putting him with a non aggresive dog(s) more the better. if you can do this regular it may break the pattern. he needs a new thought pattern when it comes to meetin new dogs. anythings worth a try cheers mate. we do muzzle him when theirs a few dogs around. we whent for a walk down farnborough other day and he had his muzzle on we walked past this massive dog no idea what it was and he jumped at it and pushed it to the ground lol ( i think it probably lost its footing more than anything) but he just wants to fight or maybe its rough play? would the best soloutio
  7. my pat hasnt been injured in any way that i know he seems to just do it after long walks. his leg kind of goes further out than usual.like a very fat person who has sh*t himself. but its only one leg. he can still jump and run and his tail wags. he seems no different. is this just something like cramp? or more serious.?
  8. i have a pat and russel they are both 7 brought up the same but the pat is far more aggresive he occasionally has a go at the russel and hates black lurchers, the only way ive found to calm him down is keep hes head on the rabbits and rewarding him for that, and if he does get aggresive outside of working him i put him out of site of me and other dogs for a couple of hours he then becomes very submissive hope it helps i cant see him ever becoming submissive.i can only see him fighting to the death and never stoping.he once pinned a staff in the street who was off its lead and just ran
  9. i have a pat and russel they are both 7 brought up the same but the pat is far more aggresive he occasionally has a go at the russel and hates black lurchers, the only way ive found to calm him down is keep hes head on the rabbits and rewarding him for that, and if he does get aggresive outside of working him i put him out of site of me and other dogs for a couple of hours he then becomes very submissive hope it helps i cant see him ever becoming submissive.i can only see him fighting to the death and never stoping.he once pinned a staff in the street who was off its lead and just ran
  10. i know their ment to be agrssive to game etc. but the only dog he isnt agressive to is the jack russel he was brought up with. both almost 6 years old now but he has always been very aggrssive to any dog no matter what size.He has a very strong prey drive,deep bark and has no fear.we have always tried to train him to stop being aggressive to other dogs but it just doesnt work.we took him round my mates the other day and they have an alsation (i think ) and he just lunged at her. on the other hand the jack russel is good as gold.they was both brought up the same. any tips or ideas on ho
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