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Everything posted by foxhound45

  1. Thanks for the positive feedback, only one fo these bitches has been truly tried and tested in the field (the oldest) with the other two being in the same age category of about a year and a quarter so well away from being worked properly and from producing litters. I will try to answer some of the comments and if I have missed anything, my apologies. how was your season overall? My season was relatively tame. I have a bitch out on loan who is getting loads of work which allows me to focus on these two younger bitches. One is deer only as I need to keep her this way but I go against
  2. My heart goes out to you. A stunning dog like that surely it will come on the radar soon. Facebook all the hunting groups.......they chatter away about everything and if you keep pushing it, never giving up, someone will see it.
  3. Just a photo of some of the An Táin bitches that will be keeping the working Airedale in the hands of our future hunting generation Hope you liked them!
  4. The true working Irish Greyhound - still going strong in Co. Tyrone.
  5. Do everything in your power to bag a second-hand Bushnell Legend. Absolutely lethal scope with high quality glass from the new £1000 scope range. Unbeatable at low light conditions when you might be doing most of your evening shooting if on rabbits this summer.
  6. We have to be careful though, we are falling into the trap here of talking only about digging. Look at the different types of prey we have, hunting styles be it working cover, hound work over bogs, ratting, ferreting, tracking wounded deer and for those in England even wild boar. This breed was exhausted during the second world war as enlisted war canines to the extent that must of our current hunting bloodlines comes from American and European lineage, I can vouch for that as I have both Canadian and American bred bitches. But I have a huge problem which I am hoping someone can help
  7. They were never a Kennel Club creation. Check out my page.... https://www.(!64.56:886/AnTain
  8. Rifle owners might understand what happens if you show any form aggression.
  9. He forgot about my good friend though...........Karma. I am a firm believer.
  10. Have you ever had one of those times that the tiny voice in your head saying don't do it.....is screaming at you............it was one of those times.
  11. Oh from what I hear the lad was bored because he hadnt seen anything and then a terrier appeared and the bog being about a mile from any house he considered shooting the dog fair game.
  12. Ahhhh bad news. Some lads out shooting foxes on a Sunday whacked the terrier. Idiots. Local lad let it slip when I asked him about it.
  13. What is more annoying is I sit on a bog of about 40acres, there are no houses within a mile. He has a routine, always sticks to it. If he dropped down a sett has anyone any idea if he would be able to get out alive as I was thinking he may just take a world of hurt and back off.......unless he finds himself dug in or cornered.
  14. No snares at all. He isn't taken by anyone because a stranger wouldn't get within 12 feet of him. Sometimes he runs circles round me. Was around every single field that is like a network where he was lost. Not one mention of him at all. I am trying to piece this together, I had my own dogs up who should run to the first spot there may have been a hunt at or if they were waiting on him above an earth as they have a habit of always running back to the last place they caught something. Absolutely no clue, not even the dogs are giving an indication of where something might have happene
  15. Lads this is a bit of a shot in the dark. My terrier ran off with the other dogs up the back field on Sunday past as I was cleaning the pens and although all the dogs returned as normal the terrier didnt. There are no roads he could have accessed and all the deep setts are on the other side of the bog about 1/2 a mile away. The pup is a year old, has never been dug before and I have searched everywhere looking for him. I called into the neighbouring farms and the farmers are up in the fields every day with sheep and the have not seen one dog. I have checked every earth and eve
  16. Hey Tracey, you first have to understand what the Airedale is. An Airedale has the ferocity of a terrier but with the scenting ability of hound. It is fast, can BOTH air scent (any dog can) and ground scent, but air scenting especially over water is much faster and sometimes dogs ground scenting can really hold up a hunt. Don't get me wrong, there are some brilliant hounds and beagles out there but if you watch terriers hunt it is fast and they push through all cover whereas some of the larger hounds will be hesitant in thick branble. As for Airedales in thick bramble.....it is all a
  17. Hi Guys, I am trying to source a Harris Hawk in Northern Ireland but I am having real difficulty. If anyone knows of a bird in Northern Ireland or not far into the South available can you please let me know so I can follow it up. Many Thanks.
  18. Lads I am trying to started into Leather work to make hunting dog and falconry items. The thing is I don't know where to get the right size sheets, big enough to make a falconry glove, or thick enough so that I can make everything from falcon hoods, Lurcher leads, Jesses, Falconers glove and Bag. Can anyone help on where I can get started as to where to buy the sheets and tools that won't break the bank? Thanks Ronan
  19. Thanks TaylorF, I put alot of work into my dogs and have given them the time to mature so I can see where they are stronger in some areas than others. Nothing better than the feeling of unclipping them all from their chains to start a hunt first thing on a Saturday morning!
  20. Sounds like he knows which rabbits he can catch and which he can't. He could be carrying an injury somewhere or his fitness is down and the runs are taking alot out of him, but I honestly believe it is to do with him knowing that the run will take alot of effort or the fact he is gauging before he takes off. Have you tried lowering his food for a day before hunting, I don't mean starving him, but just lowering it enough that he is hunting hungry. I know some lads will think that should not be done, but it once in a while won't hurt the dog as long as he is well hydrated.
  21. Funny you mention that........I was standing on top of a hill plastered in briars and I had a young bitch trying to make her way up to me............she literally tore her way to the top and it is the wire-hair they have that makes them fearless when it comes to cover. Airedales generally range from medium to large size and although you don't have to worry about them going to ground because they are too big, there is no hole in a hedge they won't squeeze into. They will break into any thornbush, windbush or hedge because their prey drive and gameness is as strong as any patterdale.
  22. I had this happen to me 6 months ago. The German shepherd ran over smashed glass at home at the scene of blood that followed her was something out of a horror movie. I swabbed the pad and bearing in mind my army training and the most useful thing in the first aid kit being superglue I glued the huge gash back together again. The cut was really deep and if you can imagine the big bear paw of a German shepherd it took a considerable dab of glue to completely seal the wound. She made a full recovered with three days, not even a limp, and I actually keep the superglue in the front porch now
  23. Bang on Bullx, they are looking at the ferret hutch which is straight in front of them. 2 polecats were chattering away when the dogs were standing for the shot.
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