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Everything posted by kevinyo01

  1. There is still the fact of one show in Scotland Or is it you all are worried about docked tails. The point I am makeing is the NLRC discrimante against The Scottish supporters. They just want to have it all All their own way.
  2. I joined the nlrc last year, a I won't be renewing it this year. They only hold one show in Scotland and at that they only put On half the show they put on down south. Linda Vaun can't even get my name And street name correct on any corrispondance. She can't reply to E-mails. As for BASC, why should we support them when they won't Show Lurchers at Scone. So why should we spend our hard earned cash To fund the NLRC when they can't support any other show in Scotland And put on the same type of show's they put on in England. Any thoughts
  3. near there boghall you at or bgate what type dogs you got I'm in Boghall too. probably round the corner. You may have seen me around with my son and the dog's.
  4. I'm up for this aswell. Helps to keep the dogs fit. Where and when is all we need to help this get started. -'m in West Lothian too. So give us a shout.
  5. Can anyone one tell me. What is the legal shooting distance from 1. Buit-up area's. 2.Public walk ways and footpaths. I am Army and I know the distance from on the range's. I don't know the distance from the above to areas with a shot gun or gun's.
  6. Exactly mate, exactly. you just have to love the helping nature of this site :wallbash: and to answer the question im sure it is illegal to run rabbits with 2 dogs It's not fair on the Rabbit. Why would you want to put two Dogs on one Rabbit? There is no rule saying you can or can't. Just protocal.
  7. Hello out there its been a while, I was struck off for some unknown reason. I can't imagine why, Any way I was known as Youngy01. I did e-mail the administrators but have had no reply. So I am back. For them who don't know me I have Lurchers. all Thirteen of them. My Bitch got caught with the same dog again. So my son is suffering for has mistakes. "Good on eh". so that's me. I would like to hear from the admin officer though to get things sorted out. Kev
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