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Everything posted by NIGHTSHADOW

  1. Good reply thanks its just that NAME
  2. I enjoy it to ,its good company, get some good deal on here to
  3. you should be very proud of your self, cracking looking knife ,
  4. I have a young protegee asking me if I know of anyone with any Collie/Greyhound bitch pups or anything up to 6 months old. Or a litter due.
  5. I feel for you , it the not knowing,that would do me in,all the best, {you never know}
  6. What happend, how did you lost them both good luck in finding them
  8. First rate picture cant wait for this day with my FHH
  9. He is on here to sale fishing gear not spelling lessons
  10. Hi welcome ,put up what part of the country you live ,and see if anyone will let you go out with them for a day,then you can ask loads of questions good luck
  11. That a nice invite ,when my FHH has started to hunt, I would like to take up you offer, N/S
  12. on the grounds ,that you are using your car, to participate in an ilegal sport
  13. Simple this Goverment has made hunting with dogs ilegal , you go coursing ,you get caught , you get done ,simple , I know I have been there , why do you think when you read on this forum there are so many people giving up , Can you afford to loose your car! your job ,lets say for a deer This government is out to get you dont worry about that , I say let them have there fun, WE WILL BE BACK , good luck out there just watch backs and also the sky?
  14. Wish I had not given it up good luck
  15. Jasper try these 1000 DOC to my front door £43 tele 01284810779 e/mail kiezebrink uk @fsmail net good luck to all
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